Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket on your Bike?

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket on your Bike?

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Never got a ticket on my bike. I try to keep it to no more than 5 > limit.

*Except*... when in the Ga. mountains, which are a big attraction for bikers around here. The LEOs seem to sensibly cut riders some slack up there, since excess of the posted limits on most of the twisties (25 to 30) are *much* better handled on a bike than the typical weekend sightseeing car/pickup/RV/poof-mobile (and the cops seem to understand this... within reason).

Now, tickets in my car... that's another story... the past three years are probably the first time in my > 40 years of driving that my license has been speed free... Last one was 15 over the limit, for $365, and paid a super-speed for a stepson last year, 55 in a 25 (school zone when lights are flashing) for $600.
He had me on video. No fighting that one. :rolleyes: (although it was only a side shot, didn't get my plate until he caught me later) The crappy thing was that the reason I passed was I was the first of 10 or more vehicles stuck behind ( what else ) a Prius doing 25 in that 55 zone. I got to a mile long straightaway that just a week earlier was a broken yellow. They painted it a double yellow and had a cop hiding in the trees just waiting when I pulled out and went past. If there hadn't been another freaking car in the way 3 or 4 miles down the road he'd have never caught me. Not that I was running (i had no idea he was back there chasing me) but it was a very twisty section after that strait that I know very well and no car would be able to keep up, plus there's an intersection where you could go 3 different ways about a half mile away from where he got me, and the way I was going isn't the normal direction.

After he gave me the ticket he asked if I had any questions. I asked why the guy doing 30mph UNDER the speed limit (which is just as illegal) didn't get pulled over for that and holing up traffic (which is also illegal) He just turned and walked away.

Passed a slow moving SUV on double yellow plus forgot the insurance card - 460$ & 2 points. (was a pleabargein deal with prosecutor)

Don't know why is the obsession with double yellow in this country. Even on a long straights. I guess passing in USA is not encouraged because of poor driving ed. The mentality behind it is - let's make it easy to get a license but put all sorts of restrictions... At the end of the day, it makes driving/riding more difficult and frostraiting. It is so much easier riding in Europe!
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The Speedo is easily tested with a gps, i never have but i thought about it... But if my speedo reads high than I'd rather not know maybe it'll keep me out of trouble. I have passed cops at speeds that definitely warranted a ticket but haven't gotten one thank god. I've had 2 criminal speeding tickets in my car one of them 102 mph over the limit (i was young, and my parents bought me a Porsche) and a few smaller tickets. One recently from a straight up trap... Cop posted at an area where the limit had been just lowered, shown only by a tree-obscured sign.
I got (kinda) lucky on mine. I was doing 95 in a 55 running late to work on the highway when there was literally like 1 car around... he was following some other car behind me so I never saw him so I didnt slow down till he was on my ass lights flashing. I was completely honest and polite with em and told em i knew i was going that fast and was running almost hour late for work. I got careless driving instead of speeding and possibly license suspensions (they are strick with doing over 90 on highway and county i was in). I sucked up the points and did a online course to drop em. But I've yet to actually have a speeding ticket written to me at all ever *knock on wood*
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You guys that are saying you only do 5 miles over the limit are starting to make me feel like a :squid: for reals...

That's all they will admit to...

I really do try to stick to no more than 8mph over the speed limit but it's rather hard to at times. Especially when it's a back road that you just traveled in the other direction 5 minutes ago and there wasn't a cop anywhere to be seen when you went to drop off the DVD in the redbox bin...

And there is 8 miles of straight well paved road with no intersecting streets... It just begs to be hit hard.
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You guys that are saying you only do 5 miles over the limit are starting to make me feel like a :squid: for reals...

have no idea how you control the Busa! on my zx-10, soon as you shift into 2nd gear you are doing well over the speed limit. i tend to ride it like a grandma to the right spots, then once there I try not to kill myself
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Came real close once last summer, leaving work I came to blinking yellow intersection and the two cars in front of me both had to turn left and had to wait for traffic. As soon as it was clear I went around them since I was going straight. I decided I wanted to get home fast so I twisted the wrist a little and wound up hitting 65 in a 35. The cop who was going the other way just stuck his had out the window of his cruiser and gave me a slow down wave. When I did he gave me a thumbs up and continued on his way.
I have not yet.. I've gotten a few noise warnings for the TwoBros. A few warnings for improper plate after I bottomed out on it w/o noticing. and a VERY LUCKY warning for 41 in a 30, I was so grateful to the officer.
I could of paid for at least a dozen track days with all the fines and tickets I've had since owning a motorbike. It's like the throttle hand has a mind of its own sometimes, I better think about it.
