Have you gotten a speeding ticket on your bike?


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Nice thread! I got one this year unfortunately. The popo got me doing 94 as per radar gun. I was trying to avoid a collision with a car barreling towards me. The ticket cost along with traffic school is around $550 plus God know what the insurance rates will be. I am contesting the ticket with my traffic ticket lawyer. Apparently it is often used here in So Cal. We'll find out in June if my lawyer's skills are better than mine in beating the popo! I have slowed down quite a bit since the ticket! I guess there was a little good that came out from me being pulled over. I actually don't habitually speed. I only do it when I deem it necessary.
just got one, i was in a 100km/h zone, going 130 ish, i was passing, i politely talked the cop down from $198 to $138, plus i paid it right away which knocked another $25 off. 2 points on my license is what i hate. havent had a speeding ticket in almost 10 years
I got one 2 years ago on my R1. 84 in a 55. I was passing a few cars on a 2 lane state route. It was my first ever traffic violation/speeding ticket. The cop wouldn't budge on the ticket and I got 5 points on my license. I went to court but didn't get any satisfaction. I think it was around $200 for the ticket.

Cops/Judges don't like sportbikes, especially when younger people are riding them. Best advice is just take it the the track/dragstrip!
yeah it was rainy and i explained that it was safer for me to pass as i could see, and that the mist on my visor wouldnt budge at the or near the speed limit, and i hadnt had any tickets in 10 years, with a class 1 license(truck driver) i admitted i could have done better, but didnt feel the bigger ticket was fair and asked if he would lower it. and he did. i shut up right there and quickly paid it
just got one, i was in a 100km/h zone, going 130 ish, i was passing, i politely talked the cop down from $198 to $138, plus i paid it right away which knocked another $25 off. 2 points on my license is what i hate. havent had a speeding ticket in almost 10 years

Here in N.S. I heard the Police are really cracking down on "speeders/stunting. Apparently a fellow in Halifax was crusing on the highway doing 160KMS(100MPH) in a 100 KMS(62MPH) zone and got dinged by radar. He was charged with stunting and got hit with a $2400 fine amoung other charges. Everyone please take care out there and ride safe! BTW Radar dectors here in N.S. are illegal
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Got one on the R6... :mad:

One of the main roads here is a speed trap from hell. It goes from 20-25-35-45 all withing a little over a mile. Motorcycle cops sit at each speed limit sign hidden.

I normally got onto this road from a street that was RIGHT after the 35 mph sign. So the only speed sign I ever saw was the 45 (i know what it is on the whole road now). So I thought it was 45. I got a ticket for 49 in a 35 on my way to work in the morning. $270! By a motorcycle cop.

My responsibility to know the speed, but damn... This is a main road here too, so I dont know why they did this with the speed limit.

The police station is right on the top of the hill on this road,.
British Columbia has really cracked down on heavy speeders, if you are 40km/h over you vehicle gets impounded, and you lose your license for 3 days right off the bat, then comes the fines and upped insurance and crap later. The impound and losing the license though cant even dispute
I have not got one on my bike. Almost did a year ago on my cbr600 going 80km/h or 90 in a 50km/h. Cop pulled me over said I was speeding blah blah and just wanted to see if I was going to stop and pull over because they have had alot of runaways. :D

That lawyers initials wouldn't happen to be EA would they? :D If so, she sponsors our meetup.com group. lol I know a lot of people who she's gotten off when they were guilty as sin. She's great. $100 and you're off. No need to show up for court or anything. If she looses, you get our money back.

lol! I guess she's pretty popular here! I'm telling you, if she get's me off, I'll be her biggest fan! I'll even have her picture on my jacket!:D
