Getting my bum ready for a 7 day trip in May...

Jay S.

New Member
Got in about 220 miles today, not bad for a Thursday. Hell, I could have been at work right? I've been meaning to ride to this lake for about 2 months but never had the time or the weather was bad...until today. The ride was beautiful but the lake, as you can see, was quite underwhelming. Gotta love some of those brown Texas lakes.

One ride closer to my road trip in May...3k miles in 7 days.

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New Member
Are you going to call your trip Seven Days In May, or The Mother's Day Of All Trips? BTW, have you planned your route? I may be on the road about the same time, but travelling South to North.


New Member
i've been watching Long Way Round and Long Way Down recently... and, i have a new found respect for both sport touring and for the guys that produced and put together these projects (tv shows).

if you guys haven't seen these, then definitely, absolutely go rent or buy copies of these from or netflix/ blockbuster etc.

Ewan McGreggor and Charlie Boorman are not only funny as heck, but really decent human beings. and, they not only have a great time on their bikes, but they bring a very refreshing perspective on riding and the world as a whole.

[ame=""] Long Way Down & Long Way Round Complete Series - 6 Disc Set: Movies & TV[/ame]
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New Member
Long Way Round is already a classic. Loved it, and it's really inspired me in my tours. I thought Long Way Down was a horrendous, over-produced publicity stunt compared to Long Way Round. It's sad how Ewan is actually having a terrible time during Long Way Down. It's still worth watching if you love motorcycle adventure, but I needed to watch Long Way Round again to clear my palate.

Race To Dakar (Boorman) is a lot of fun while it lasts.


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New Member
I like how no one recognized Ewan at the Star Wars set in Tunisia. LOL xP

I'll check out Race to Dakar after I finish these. ^_^

Long Way Round is already a classic. Loved it, and it's really inspired me in my tours. I thought Long Way Down was a horrendous, over-produced publicity stunt compared to Long Way Round. It's sad how Ewan is actually having a terrible time during Long Way Down. It's still worth watching if you love motorcycle adventure, but I needed to watch Long Way Round again to clear my palate.

Race To Dakar (Boorman) is a lot of fun while it lasts.

Jay S.

New Member
That reminds me of Me, Myself, and Irene where she asks him, "Isn't your butt sore?" And Charlie replies, "Oh, no. Over the years my ass has taken a pounding."

Nice pics. Boy is that some flaaaat land. Not a hill in sight in that one pic.

Dude, anything west of Abilene looks like that. It's rare I ride that direction, but I saw the lake on the map and decided to check it out. I'll keep exploring East and South from now on. At least there are hills and trees.


Jay S.

New Member
Are you going to call your trip Seven Days In May, or The Mother's Day Of All Trips? BTW, have you planned your route? I may be on the road about the same time, but travelling South to North.

It is semi-planned. Here is a rough draft. I'm going to try to ride the tail of the dragon in TN and there are some friends I'm going to visit on the way. Let me know if that is anywhere near you.
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Jay S.

New Member
i've been watching Long Way Round and Long Way Down recently... and, i have a new found respect for both sport touring and for the guys that produced and put together these projects (tv shows).

if you guys haven't seen these, then definitely, absolutely go rent or buy copies of these from or netflix/ blockbuster etc.

Ewan McGreggor and Charlie Boorman are not only funny as heck, but really decent human beings. and, they not only have a great time on their bikes, but they bring a very refreshing perspective on riding and the world as a whole. Long Way Down & Long Way Round Complete Series - 6 Disc Set: Movies & TV

Hands down, one of the best movies ever! I don't care what kind of bike you ride, or the type of riding you do, everyone who rides has got to see that movie. I have not seen Long Way Down yet. I guess I need to order that.

Now that you mention it, I'll have to watch Round again this weekend!



Thuper Moderator
Premium Member

Jay S.

New Member
Jay! You gotta give me heads up when you'll pass through, what looks like Mansfield, LA. If I can, and I will try, I'll meet up with you and ride for a Lil ways.

Absolutely brother. I'll let you know before I leave and we can swap cell #'s or I can PM you here since I'll be somewhat fluid in where I ride each day based on how I feel. I'd love to have some company for part of the trip. I have a friend in South Carolina that is going to hit some miles with me as well. More to come...


Jay S.

New Member
Another great ride, 205 miles today.

Rode to Proctor Lake near Dublin, TX. Beautiful day to ride. However, lots of bugs gave their lives for my riding pleasure today.

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New Member
to get your bum ready - get a pair of padded bike shorts for under your riding pants = your bum will thank you for not getting monkey butt:spank:

Jay S.

New Member
to get your bum ready - get a pair of padded bike shorts for under your riding pants = your bum will thank you for not getting monkey butt:spank:

Already got some, however on my last 4 day trip I figured out the secret...beaded seat cover, no joke! Worth every freakin penny, even if I might have to take some "old man" jokes. Padded riding shorts are mandatory for long trips as well.



New Member
Already got some, however on my last 4 day trip I figured out the secret...beaded seat cover, no joke! Worth every freakin penny, even if I might have to take some "old man" jokes. Padded riding shorts are mandatory for long trips as well.


yeah I've heard about the beaded seats also. i certainly don't do enough miles to get one. guess it's the same concept of putting one on a car seat also to prevent the sweat in hot summer months, guess truckers use em too

Jay S.

New Member
I only use mine on multi day trips. It certainly keeps cool air flowing under the cash and prizes.

Sent from my pimp-a$$ Galaxy Skyrocket
