fz6r-forum website issues


New Member
Whats been going on with the website? Im quite curious lol....its happened 4-5 times in the last two weeks and this morning the website redirected me to a web directory saying www.600cc.org did not exist? I have a routine of waking up and sitting on the forum for an hour waking up...and its a rough start when I cant do that lol
I dunno what's up with it but I couldn't get on from 5am-almost noon today after several attempts. I Had this issue a week or 2 ago as well:confused:
yeah I got it too for a while this morn., like before weeks ago, it doesn't redirect me, just times out with a blank page saying can't find... on firefox

glad it's back up! :stupidpc:
I about go nuts, this place is worse then a crack/meth addiction haha(not that ive ever had one)....just makes my day suck when I cant sign on .
I know that it was down at around 1 oclock this morning Pacific time. I usually check it right before I go to bed and it was not working then.
Same here I was pissed, it was 4am here and I couldnt get on....
adminz cwabby?

All forum admins are crabby. Because if the damn forum goes down for 5 minutes in the middle of the night you usually wake up to at least 3 threads with 20 posts each about it, and about a dozen or so Facebook messages telling you the forum is down. Trust me, I know...

:ban: them all :D
