Do you sit on you're bike while you fill it up?

Do you sit on you're bike while you fill it up?

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I sit on while filling up, Never had a problem at all. Though sometimes when it's hot and nasty out I will get off the bike for a minute to take the helmet and gloves off but most of the time I just pull up, swipe card, fill and go... Makes life easy and no issues to date.

I have no issues balancing the bike and filling up but then again I can flat foot without issue on my bike so that's probably a factor, I know some of you guys have a hard time with that and that much be why you don't keep the bike up while filling.
I just like to get off the bike for a moment and move around a bit, get things flowing. Speaking of which, a lot of times it is a restroom break as well.
I pull up close enough to the pump that I don't ahve to lean, stay on my bike, put the stand down just in case, fill, pay, beat it. On one long trip I do regularly I hit the same station every time and have it down to a science. My fuel stop only costs me about 5 minutes.
If you're in a location that requires enhanced vapor recovery nozzles (the ones with the flexible spring-loaded shroud around them) refueling to the point of being really full is a two-handed effort. Would not want to be doing that while straddling the bike and trying to keep it upright.

Much easier in areas with the older-style nozzles.

personally, I have never had an issue with such nozzles. We have a few stations around here that have those and to me it's not much different than a regular one.
I always pull up far enough away so i can stand between bike and pump. This gives more control of the nozzle so I don't spill any on the paint. Also if there is a spill i don't get it on myself.
Im always off the bike, iv'e filled while sitting on the bike to the point where I want it and made note of what that looked like just on the kickstand so I always get he fill I want.

I opened this thread thinking "I've never heard of that, who does that?" and I've been surprised at home many people fuel on the bike. I gotta take my gloves off to get to my zippers, then my wallet is either in that inside pocket of my jacket or swimming around in the bottom of my backpack, punch in my code and stuff, try desperately to keep every drop of gas off my bike's gas tank..... too much to handle for me.

As far as leveling the bike, my old bike had a very easy to operate center stand. I'd use that EVERY time to make sure I got every last drop. Well, that also had carb issues. Sometimes I'd get 40-50 mpg, and sometimes I'd get 20s from same riding. Left me stranded TWICE.

God, I love FI!

I keep my gas card in my chest pocket, stop, take off gloves and put them on top of my guage cluster, pop my pocket open and run the card, fuel up, take reciept (very important in case some doo gooder sees you pull up, fuel up, and jet real quick) put reciept in the same pocket as the card, start up, gloves, and gone. When I'm gearing up I plan for a fuel stop because I hate losing time on the road. When I am going somewhere far from home I want to make the best time possible. I don't stop to pee if I can help it, and I make fuel stops that resemble pit stops, no time wasted.
