cager cut me off - first time taking my bike to work.


New Member
I decided to take my bike to work this morning since it's Friday after all.
This SUV just cuts into my lane crossing a double solid line totally ignoring my existence. All most ruin my day.

[ame=]driver in SUV cut me off!!!! - YouTube[/ame]
I do not miss those roads over there...
I decided to take my bike to work this morning since it's Friday after all.
This SUV just cuts into my lane crossing a double solid line totally ignoring my existence. All most ruin my day.

driver in SUV cut me off!!!! - YouTube

At least he was using his turning signals. You should have anticipated it. Watch their movements and especially the front tires. I've seen much worse, just keep those eyes peeled and on the lookout! Good luck! I'm glad to see you made it out okay.
Yep, definetly Maryland. What I hate the most is drivers putting the turn signal AFTER they started getting into your line... I drive to and from MD every day and really is a hassle even in a car... :rant:
That's not even close to being cut off ;) You havent seen anything yet haha :surrender:
I'm surprised to see anyone using their turn signals up there, even if it was just an after-thought. I believe that people from VA north along the east coast were either taught, or just think that turn signals are for decoration only (like Christmas lights or something). It is exceptionally rare to see anyone use them up there.

Keep your eyes peeled, stay safe!
Yeah, that's not being cut-off. He even paused to see if you were going to keep coming. BTW, I didn't hear a horn on the video. Is yours not working?
I decided to take my bike to work this morning since it's Friday after all.
This SUV just cuts into my lane crossing a double solid line totally ignoring my existence. All most ruin my day.

That's an everyday occurrence in my neck of the woods.

Not only is your horn broke, but your finger didn't work either. ;-)
Yeah I bet. I'm a beginner rider. I bought the bike 3 weeks ago and only started to ride 2 weeks ago. I had a Ninja 250 about 10 years ago but my folks wanted me to get rid of it which I reluctantly obeyed.
Now I'm a grown man and want to get back into riding. I really missed it.

That's not even close to being cut off ;) You havent seen anything yet haha :surrender:
Hahaha, I wanted to yell so bad and thought about using the horn but I'm a newbie rider and was too concentrated on braking and controlling the bike.
Yeah, that's not being cut-off. He even paused to see if you were going to keep coming. BTW, I didn't hear a horn on the video. Is yours not working?
Looks like 270 South at the spur... isn't it 55 there? And anybody that's ever driven the spur knows it's merge hell. You were going 80. Just playing devil's advocate here.
Cut off is the stupid woman who never turned her head, no signal, and just started pulling into my lane this morning. I actually smacked her drivers window and she till didnt look!

I slowed down and the driver behind me was looking like I was, WTF????? Well, I came to the passenger side of her car and we caught a red, I was so pissed at this point I got off the bike went up to the front of the car, Gave her the finger and she was SOOOoooo surprised! She gets out screaming at me about how I am just a punk(?) and I have no right to be so disrespectful! I told her I was making SURE she could actually see me since she tried to kill me! lmao! light went green I left, Cops showed up at my work at lunch and asked me if I threatened her........ nope. ok have a nice day.

That happens all the time at the spur, you should expect it. I won't use that lane at that point if I can avoid it. NOBODY obeys the solid white. And that was damn polite compared to the lady who tried to slam me into a concrete divider on GW parkway. I was right next to her window, I stared straight into her eyes as the murderous bitch tried to kill me.
