A clean visor

Brock Kickass

New Member
Is I sit here cleaning my visor in prep for heading off on my bike, I have to ask: Is there really anyhting better than a spotless visor? One of motorcycling's simplest pleasures is having a crystal-clear view of what's ahead. I must remember to throw a pack of Windex wipes in to my riding backpack.
Couldn't agree more... I've always kept a small pump of optical spray, and a microfiber towel in my tank bag... mandatory gear...
I must remember to throw a pack of Windex wipes in to my riding backpack.

I've herd that windex can damage some helmet visors and some windscreens so I try to stay away from that. I use rain-x spray on the outside of visor and use these little individually packaged screen and lens cleaner wipes for the inside. They are about the size of wetnaps and also help keep it from fogging up
Great topic......So the other night I cleaned helmet prior to riding and the next morning on my way to work. This happens.... this is the biggest yet for me.. "thats what she said"

wow, you sure it wasn't a bird dropping
I cut several windex wipes into quarter size pieces and roll them inside a zip lock bag. When I stop for water break on my canyon rides I also clean my visor. Has worked great so far and the footprint is so small it fits inside the crevice of my passenger seat storage. And I just refill this supply very month or two.
No. The 6R's storage is actually "massive" compared to the R6, which is tiny. I had to shrink the size of my home-made first aid kit, carry a smaller tire pressure gauge, and nowadays getting my GPS locator beacon to fit is also more of a struggle. It took me a few times to figure out what order to insert everything so it all fits. LOL xP
I was at my parents the oneday and asked my dad to hand me the window cleaner and he hands me some Pledge furniture polish. ??? I asked him if he needed his glasses and he said he read somewhere about furniture polish on glasses. So I sprayed some on and wiped it off and I was amazed how clean and crystal clear my visor was. It took some minor scratches away! That is all I use now.
Windex wipes work fantastic on face shields. Don't scratch and dry with minimal streaks. I cut out quarter size ones & put them in a zip lock bag under the seat. Great for cleaning bug squat while riding.

I discovered this product when I was making my graphics for my NSR50R with my cutter plotter.

If you have ever cleaned a large window or mirror and saw streaks no matter what you used. Windex or any amonia cleaner, Pledge or anything else this is Da' Bomb.

Use a clean micro-fiber towel and this on anything and it will be cleaner than you ever thought possible. It is fine on my 55" LED 3D TV, my face shield or anything else.
