67,280 miles !


New Member
Title says it all ! As of tonight 67,280 miles on my she devil :) boys i tell ya this bike is amazing i put every single mile on this bike and ridden it in pouring rain, sleet, iced road, hot cold u name it. I ride everyday for the past 4 years i love this bike it never let me down. Who has high miles close to me or above me ?
that's awesome congrats! when you get closer to 100k, start sending in your story to magazine's, they love it and you never know when you might make one of their articles :cool:
Know exactly what you mean! I've had mine since March 2010 and have riden through habus, pouring rain, blazing heat, my 6R has seen it all (except snow :p). I just had my 84k service done 2 weeks ago and I'm sure that it'll keep on keeping on for many more miles to come. Our bikes are as solid as it gets! :D
Jeez, riding in the northern states really limits how many miles we can put on! I have put over 1000 miles on mine in 3 months though. That is well on track to double the 2600 miles on the odo when I got her, which was my goal for the summer.
you guys make me feel bad :(
i have only around 4000 on mine bought last July so its almost its 1st birthday. i dont commute on it and i have another bike so its not too bad. I love hearing these run forver though.

We'll I got mine just under a month ago and I've got 1555 on it. I am really happy to hear that they last that long I hope to get that many miles on mine
