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The dead lift is one of my favorite lifts. As someone who enjoys the lift here are some tips that helped me.

1. Hip mobility is key. I don't know about you but I've never really been flexible until a few months ago. I stretch once a day to work on hip mobility. Opening up the hips helps you keep your butt down, chest up, and heels planted.

2. When you lift instead of just lifting the weight, think about trying to push your hips toward the bar. I'm not sure if you understand that as it's kinda hard to explain without showing you.

3. Keep the bar as close to your shins as possible. If the bar is too far away from your shins you will always have bad form and a curved back. Some power lifters will walk out of the gym with bloody shin form keeping it that close.

4. Once again Butt down, chest up, heels planted.

I'm no gym guru but this is advice that has been given to me and helped me out greatly. Good luck.
I don't ever do them I need to start just not on my list at the moment those are mainly for legs correct?

Basically the deadlift is one of the best movements for hitting the most muscles (and the important ones at that): glutes, hamstrings, quads (as assisters), then huge core and back extension, lats, basically the "yolk" section (neck, traps and lats, which all guys enjoy working on), grip, even some calves, some triceps for keeping your arms straight. If you're doing them right, you're gonna be sweating.

I did 220lb for 17 reps straight today and my neck vein was bulging and I was breathing pretty hard.

If you can work in the deadlift, do them. You're core will thank you, your a** will thank you, your flexibility will thank you, and all your other lifts will thank you. Your posture will thank you, and if you have a sore mid back, I'm telling you if done properly with a stretch after, you will feel 10x better and it will thank you. And your sex partners will thank you for having such a great thrust lmao.
I should say...the deadlift will help overall strength - you need assistance work if you want the bodybuilder look. But to be a bada** motherf*****...deadlifting, squatting, benching and overhead pressing are gonna be your main lifts. They're the shtuff that builds the size, and the strength.

That and pushing heavy sleds around and farmer walking the weight of a small cow will help overall bada**ery status.

Anthony, those DL are lookin a lot better! Nice job. Nice fail too lol, glad you didn't break the glass.
Basically the deadlift is one of the best movements for hitting the most muscles (and the important ones at that): glutes, hamstrings, quads (as assisters), then huge core and back extension, lats, basically the "yolk" section (neck, traps and lats, which all guys enjoy working on), grip, even some calves, some triceps for keeping your arms straight. If you're doing them right, you're gonna be sweating.

I did 220lb for 17 reps straight today and my neck vein was bulging and I was breathing pretty hard.

If you can work in the deadlift, do them. You're core will thank you, your a** will thank you, your flexibility will thank you, and all your other lifts will thank you. Your posture will thank you, and if you have a sore mid back, I'm telling you if done properly with a stretch after, you will feel 10x better and it will thank you. And your sex partners will thank you for having such a great thrust lmao.

Damn, talk about a nice cardio workout !
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Got ol back and bi workout today:

135x10 225x10 295x5 315x5 315x7 225x10 225x10 225x10

Wide grip pull ups 8 Reps 3 sets

Regular and hammer curls 10 reps 3 sets of both

V-bar pull downs 3 sets of various reps

Cable rows 3 sets of various reps

Regular and reverse grip cable curls 4 sets till failure
Got ol back and bi workout today:

135x10 225x10 295x5 315x5 315x7 225x10 225x10 225x10

Wide grip pull ups 8 Reps 3 sets

Regular and hammer curls 10 reps 3 sets of both

V-bar pull downs 3 sets of various reps

Cable rows 3 sets of various reps

Regular and reverse grip cable curls 4 sets till failure

Good lifts. You can def. pull 4 plates
