What did you do to your bike today?

Road the ever lovin out of the bike this weekend.

Stopped at a friends house and was wondering what that smell coming from my bike. Then noticed some smoke coming up from the bike. I was like WTH is going on here so we were looking all around the bike trying to figure out where it was coming from....

After 10 minutes of looking and me removing the seat to check on there I noticed that the top of the CAT was black and remembered that when I was cleaning the chain I had a lot of run off from the chain but it seems the way the splatter from the chain spinning pooled onto the CAT while I had it spinning the rear wheel on the stand. So I grabbed some degreaser and sprayed the top of the CAT after it cooled and then proceeded to run the heck out the bike for while longer and no more smoke.... or smell.... LOL.

So yeah, I need to check that from now on after a good chain cleaning... Burning chain wax has a very interesting smell to it... LOL.

Whew thank goodness it was chain wax! I use this stuff Called PJ1 Blue Label. Several of my riding friends use it and my local cycle gear swears by it. Here's a pic of the can:


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I installed my block off plates and since i had the airbox off I did the airbox mod..i didnt get too crazy with the drilling...just about six holes, sounds great...was thinking about taking the box out again and cutting some of that rubber to get some better air flow
Whew thank goodness it was chain wax! I use this stuff Called PJ1 Blue Label. Several of my riding friends use it and my local cycle gear swears by it. Here's a pic of the can:

Yeah really I was kind of crapping bricks until we figured out what the problem was. I wasn't able to get all the wax off from the bracket that holds the CAT on so there is a little smell coming from that still but not nearly as bad as it was.

As for the wax, I use Motul but the problem wasn't the wax it was from cleaning.

When I was cleaning I was rinsing the chain with kerosene and had the bike in 3rd gear so it was moving the chain pretty quick, as a result there was a lot of flying debre during the cleaning process at the front sprocket area. That's what caused the mess on top of the cat, lol, oops. Well, anyway I will just have to put the bike in like 1st only when I'm doing the rinse of the chain. I will have to say though that it works really well for cleaning up the chain like that though, I had the chain, sprockets and everything else looking really good for a bike there. Though it only takes a hundred miles for it all to be darky'd up again. Darkness in the house.... lol.

I rather like the motul stuff, it works pretty damn good. I also know a couple people that race bikes from some of the other forums that I'm on and a local friend and they wont use any other product other than motul chain lubes. I'm liking it rather well myself so far.

Even the smell of it burning isn't bad, lol...
Let it sit under the cover...its been raining.

We just entered love bug season... So it looks like I wont be riding much unless it's along the coast, which I'm cool with. It seems the inland areas are already covered with love bugs... Nasty damn critters. And they stink so bad!!!

I might have one more week of being able to ride around town but that's about it. I'm not going to spend an hour after each ride cleaning those disgusting damn bugs off the bike.

I'd rather just be able to wash the front of the car and be done with it. But even then I will be driving as little as possible during the day to avoid them. I don't want anymore etched paint because I missed a bug or 2...
Cleaned all the bugs off the nose of the bike. Then went to work on her. :D
I put in a K&N air filter, did the plugs, and put new grips on.

Still need to clean/lube/adjust the chain, clean the bike up, and will be removing fairing decals + adding tank grips to hide the tank graphics.
LOL those fnk bugs! We are not getting hammered too bad here on the East coast but going inland it's a different ball game! :surrender:

They are like the herpes of the automotive world. Not always there but when it flairs up it's a pain in the butt! LMAO! How do you like that analogy!

Yeah, it's not bad on the West coast of the state either right now but we screwed up and drove out towards arcadia and those areas for a ride this weekend and all the vehicles that were coming from that direction I started to notice had plastered wind shields. It wasn't horrible where we were but it was like the edge of the storm so to speak.

But even those few that nailed up were enough for me to say that it's time to really look at how things are on the roads around town before I decide to ride the bike.

They are so much of a pain to clean out of the various nooks and crannies of the bike.

I'm not going to be able to ride the roads that I like to hit inland for while. I guess I'm screwed and have to ride along the beaches and check out the bit....... oh wait, I shouldn't use that term... LOL.
Great! Once those bugs are done with there Gang Bang thing maybe I could ride your way or we could meet in the middle, getting over due for some riding out of town!
LOL, gang bang.

Sounds good to me. Let me know, I'll see if I can get a few others to join me. I'd also like to go for a ride to Sebring during one of the Chin Motorsports days there but IDK if that's going to line up too well.
Wonder if that's the same thing as a stink bug. They get bad here too. Don't know what kind of bugs I ran into last night, but could hardly see out of my visor. LOL

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No, stink bugs are a whole other story. Love bugs stink when there are a lot of them and etch your paint if left on for too long. Oh, and there is always a lot of them.... So they always stink!
So is that a straight swap of parts or is there machining, cutting & shutting involved?
Well... Wasn't my bike but cams swap is about 1/2 done. I pull a late evening today, a couple more hours to reconnect everything and the boke should be up and running tomorrow!!!

Totall Marthy package!!! Braaappppp!!!!


You're a 6r freakin genius dude. Someday ill have money and I'm sending my bike straight to u for the works.
