For any mad hatters out there...


New Member
Not sure if anyone out there is tooling around without a bucket in the US - but if you are, they're looking at helmet laws again....

Helmet use targeted by federal government

Motorcycle safety, specifically state helmet laws or the lack thereof, is back on the federal government’s mind. The National Transportation Safety Board today added motorcycle safety to its "Most Wanted" list of safety improvements. The board specifically recommended that helmets be required to wear. Currently that’s the case in only 20 states. "State governments are in a unique position to effect the most significant improvement in certain areas of transportation safety," transportation board Chairman Deborah Hersman said. "Our Most Wanted List spotlights those states that have made noteworthy progress in better protecting the traveling public — and those that have not." An Associated Press article noted the board can’t force states to enact tougher helmet laws. Motorcycle fatalities fell in 2009, but the transportation board still sees room for improvement.


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It was just a quick hit on the powersports business newsletter today.

I've always felt that a head that needed to be told it must be protected, wasn't worth protecting anyway :)


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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What else?

Could be the just trying to save what few tax payers they have left. They need our money to give to all the citizens who don't work.
I have always worn a helmet but it was my decision, I'm a big boy now and I can take care of myself. I wonder when they will get around to approved foot wear, gloves, eye protection or even air bags or air jackets. How about training wheels? If it's so dangerous why not outlaw it? Think of the health care savings. WHEW! I needed to vent.


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I agree that we need to choose for ourselfs, just another government intrusion into our lives. We don't have much freedom left in this "land of the free"!!!!!

............................... ok there is where i need to stop or this could get ugly.

I wear mine but i have something important to protect and i realize that.
to each his own


New Member
Get use to the intrusion! As long as government takes a greater role and risk in providing healthcare, the government will take whatever measures are necessary to lower their financial risk. So, if there is a belief that lack of motorcycle helmet laws increase the cost of health care, and the gov't is providing healthcare, you better believe that stricter helmet laws are on the way. Feds can easily "influence" by simply holding back funds to states that don't comply....happens all the time. Why do you think Lousiana now has a drinking age of 21!!

I could not care less since I where a lid anyway.



New Member
Get use to the intrusion! As long as government takes a greater role and risk in providing healthcare, the government will take whatever measures are necessary to lower their financial risk. So, if there is a belief that lack of motorcycle helmet laws increase the cost of health care, and the gov't is providing healthcare, you better believe that stricter helmet laws are on the way. Feds can easily "influence" by simply holding back funds to states that don't comply....happens all the time. Why do you think Lousiana now has a drinking age of 21!!

I could not care less since I where a lid anyway.


Whoa whoa whoa... wait... there was a state that had a drinking law under 21 and I'm just hearing about it NOW?! HAHAHA - I thought all states had a hard n' fast rule of no booze til 21. Not to get off on a tangent - but I'm going to. I've never understood how, at the age of 18, you're responsible enough to drive/ride, vote, fight AND die for your country - but you can't have a beer for 3 more years. Never made a lick of sense to me.


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ooooooOOOOoooooooo I see what he did there. Tricky, tricky! I like it. Sort of like Quebec... their's is 18, but is rarely enforced with much enthusiasm. I had buddies that grew up across the river in Ottawa - they started hitting bars in Hull @ 15. When I moved to Ottawa, I could hit any bar, pick up whatever booze I wanted @ 17... and I was one of those 17 year old kids that looked 15.


New Member
I agree that we need to choose for ourselfs, just another government intrusion into our lives. We don't have much freedom left in this "land of the free"!!!!!

............................... ok there is where i need to stop or this could get ugly.

I wear mine but i have something important to protect and i realize that.
to each his own

I do not need the government to protect me from myself. What's next? Mandatory leathers? Training wheels? I know, maybe a safety cage... oh wait, that's a car. We all know it's the insurance companies who are behind this because, God knows, they do not make enough profit. :rolleyes:


New Member
Its amazing to hear about how much gets sacraficed in the name of politics!!!

the big companies that rule this land and government can get away with murder so whats a little thing like a helmet law....? i get that its a good idea and i do anyway but it should be our choice just like it was our choice, what bike to get in what color and GEAR!!!
Maybe next it will be :you can have only these three bikes to choose from and these two colors so everyone is submitting to the "Man"
