California State Senator Targets Motorcycle Exhaust Systems

There's no smog required on motorcycles in California. And, yes, this law would only apply to 2013 models and newer. Its easy to complain about California laws (and yes some are lame), but every State and country have screwed up laws. Like those on here in Australia who have to have restrictors plates on their throttles, or those in Europe who can only qualify for a 150CC and slowly make there way up to bigger bikes, or all those shitty laws in Maryland.... At least in California, we can still split traffic lanes! If not, it would add an extra 30-45 minutes to my evening commute. And, we have a lot of awesome twisty roads and weather you can almost ride year-long in.

This law won't change much. There is already a noise restriction for motorcycles...and, its not enforced much anyways...only when the rider is being an idiot and drawing attention to himself or if the exhaust is obnoxiously loud, will the rider get stopped. And, if you do get stopped, its a fix-it ticket.

CVC 27202. For the purposes of Section 27200, the following noise
limits shall apply to any motorcycle, other than a motor-driven
cycle, manufactured:

(1) After 1969, and before 1973....... 88 dbA
(2) After 1972, and before 1975....... 86 dbA
(3) After 1974, and before 1986....... 83 dbA
(4) After 1985........................ 80 dbA
So...California has a what? 25-30 BILLION dollar deficit and we need another stupid law for motorcyclists? We need to fire all these morons in November!
So...California has a what? 25-30 BILLION dollar deficit and we need another stupid law for motorcyclists? We need to fire all these morons in November!
You would be right about that. These people we vote into office won't get serious about the budget, which is required by law to be in effect by July 1. However they have plenty of time to pass stupid laws. Like the law to ban plastic bags....... and incandescent lamps. I'll do my best to send the career politician to the unemployment line. While I don't condone loud exhaust, I don't have a problem with them if they don't get to the point where they are painful on the ears. A little common sense should be practiced. Which is another problem in California, we lost our common sense long ago. BTW I'm hording incandescent lamps now.....
I read about this too and posted dome info about the law already passing- effective 2013...

But, aren't Harleys and cruisers a million times louder than us?

Without being disrespectful, the loud noise from those bikes really bothers me sometimes... It's often deafening. Plus, when they ride around during the summer at wee hours in the am they make so much noise...

Moderation is key, imo... at least on street legal vehicles... =\

BTW while motorcycles are not required to be smogged like cars in California, there has been some noise coming out of Sacramento to start doing such.
