Saw 3D!!


Staff member
I don't know why, but I am a huge fan of the "Saw" movie franchise! :eek:

I have seen all the films in the theaters, usually the night they come out (Halloween each year). And this year will probably be no exception. However, the final installment of the Saw movies is going to be shown in Real-3D! :steve: I am so excited for this movie! The teaser trailer has me waiting impatiently.

Am I sick or something?! lol

[ame=]YouTube - Saw 3D Teaser Trailer[/ame]
Yeah, I don't find them scary at all. After the first one, I was hooked, wanting to see what new and inventive ways they would come up with to dismember, disembowel and generally tear people apart. haha
Seriously, what isn't in 3D nowadays?

Kind of sucks now, because some of these movies that could be really good, seem more focused on just the 3D aspect of it now instead of the story line. :mad:
It's very true that 3D is kinda out of control. China is testing the waters with a 3D adult film.
i love the saw movies. my all time fav. movies cant wait for saw 3d:D
It's very true that 3D is kinda out of control. China is testing the waters with a 3D adult film.
3D has been around a long time, I saw "The Stewardesses" in 3D way back in the early 70's. I'll never forget the scene where you thought that pool stick was gonna hit ya in the eye. It was soft core porn, but pretty graphic for the day. I think it came out in 1969.

I love the Saw series...Hostel as well.

Those movies are appealing to me in that they not only are kind of messy, they have a clever or intellectual theme.
