love the stock mirrors



i guess im use to having bikes where the mirrors are hard to adjust... body in the way etc..... these baby rock i feel i could tow a trailer.

there really nice for seeing whats going on around you... i guess some of you younger guys feel they look goofy.
Yup, the stock mirrors work very well. Many people just dont like how far up and out they stick. My R6 mirrors are hard to see much anything at all behind me. Adjusting them all different ways, but all I can get is half my body and arms in them.
Never really got what all the hub bub was about with the mirror mods. If you want it to look like an R6 - go buy an R6. They're functional and look fine. I've never heard anyone say to me, "Nice bike - stupid mirrors though."
Somebody did tell me when I first got the bike that the mirrors looked like they were a last minute thought. But I love how much of the road behind me I can see and how they fold in for tight parking.
I think they were modeled after this character.

It does have some resemblance John.:) I figure if I lengthen the windshield with a new puig they will look shorter and then I'll be happier. I like seeing what's behind me when I make a left turn on the highway.
"Nice bike - stupid mirrors though."
One of my friends told me those exact words when he learned I bought a 6R. I'm keeping them anyway, I can't tell you how many close calls I have had with other bikes because the mirrors were nice looking but didn't work for crap. If I could find a nice looking mirror that worked as well as the stockers, I could be persuaded to change. Function is my first priority. I changed the mirrors on my BMW for just that reason, the stock mirrors sucked. The new mirrors are even better looking then what BMW gave me. So it is possible to have both good looks and function sometimes.

I was impressed with how well the mirrors worked. I am personally happy that I can see so well
