Tips on how NOT to play w/ one's wedding ring?


New Member
This is becoming a serious issue... married almost 3 yrs now, yet I still find myself playing with my wedding ring. I twirl it around on my ring finger, with my thumb. It's gotten to the point now where my left thumb-tip generally has no feeling. Worse yet, my iPhone is beginning to not register any finger movements when using that thumb! Doh!

What to do? Any tips, married guys?
Had the same problem, however it was an easy fix when the wife left!!! :) On a serious note, not really sure. How about not wearing it!!! But then again your wife might chase you with an Axe.... haha
Ha yeaaah... see, I like having BOTH halves of my stuff... ;)

Tried going sans ring; I feel naked w/o it. Must have ring, watch, wallet, keys, phone, chapstick before leaving the house.
It may not seem too man-like to some but lotion did alot when I would do that with my class ring.
I do the same thing with my wedding ring. I am always turning it, even when I don't mean to. Plus, there are three diamonds set flush into the band, and I have a habit of always making sure they are on top. :eek:

I feel very naked without it on. I've tried going without it, but it just doesn't work. The ring has also saved my finger. I think I was working on our house and had something fall on my hand and the band saved my finger from being smashed. I never leave home without it.
Since I worked around rotating equipment a lot, I never wore a ring until I retired. I couldn't get used to having it on all the time, so it is stashed away in a drawer now. That took care of the problem for me.
Personally, I feel totally naked without mine. As a matter of fact when it's not on my finger, on VERY rare occasions, I feel like I've lost it. Makes me frantic. I think that even if you remove your ring you're still going to be fiddling with something. My wife likes that I've got a tan line and that I never take it off.
I took mine off. I've never been a big jewelry guy. I wore it until I gained some weight and had to take it off. I could get it on now but I just don't want to. My wife's fine with it. It's not like having a leash or anything to her. No biggie to her. We trust each other. She knows I'm not going to stray. Hell she likes to check out the hot chicks and point them out to me. She buys me Playboy calenders for my work room and she's the one who's usually suggesting we all go to the strip clubs when we're out with friends. So not wearing the wedding ring isn't really an issue at all. :D

OH MY GOD John,,does she have a twin sister?(LOL!)
This is becoming a serious issue... married almost 3 yrs now, yet I still find myself playing with my wedding ring. I twirl it around on my ring finger, with my thumb. It's gotten to the point now where my left thumb-tip generally has no feeling. Worse yet, my iPhone is beginning to not register any finger movements when using that thumb! Doh!

What to do? Any tips, married guys?

I have a friend that says the reason guys twirl their wedding bands is they are trying to figure out the combination.... :D

Back on the serious side I wear a thumb ring (I know sooo 90s right? :rolleyes:)
I have a habit of figiting it from the thumb to my middle finger with my index and ring finger - have never had any numbness issues.

Try finding something else to take your hand's attention away from the ring (Like oh I don't know.... twisting the throttle! ;)) Just remember it takes 4 weeks to develope or break any habit.
Just remember it takes 4 weeks to develope or break any habit.[/QUOTE]

4 Weeks? Is that why I can't keep a wife? :)
seems like just another reason to not get married. :)
dont need anymore habits...
I was only kidding. I've been married 36 years and 34 to the same women. I've never worn a ring. :D
Since I worked around rotating equipment a lot, I never wore a ring until I retired. I couldn't get used to having it on all the time, so it is stashed away in a drawer now. That took care of the problem for me.

like you I never wore a ring at work either. I spent 30 + years at Michelin Tire working on a assembly line (with rotating machinery too) and now that I am retired, I have it on it all the time.
