White FZ6R tank graphics template


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Kevin,,, I hope that I am speaking for alot of people here on this forum, those with white bikes and those without.. This is a very nice thing that you are offering to do for us. Taking your time and spending your own money to help out other forum members. That is one of the MANY things I really like about this forum is that we like to help each other out when we can.. Thank you very much for your actions:thumbup:... Laurence (Laurie) Potter
tank grip cut-outs

I have the cut-outs i made for customizing my tank grips too. (see my virtual garage to see what i'm talking about.)

if there is enough interest, i'll see if i can scan them into the computer and upload them for everyone. Let me know.
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I would like this. how would you send it. I've had my white fz6r for about three weeks and still looking for something to do about those horrific things.. Your help is greatly appreciated.
I would like this. how would you send it. I've had my white fz6r for about three weeks and still looking for something to do about those horrific things.. Your help is greatly appreciated.
I had custom graphics made for mine. The graphic guy has the template on file and said he can design anything you want to fit the size and print and mail you the graphics for around $80 plus mailing. If you want his number, send me a message and I will get it for you.
still looking for something to do about those horrific things..

I resent that, LoL. I love the pink graphics!!! I love pink altogether though too. :p
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I just had to throw that in there since he called them horrific. :D
LOL, you know I kinda figured you'd say that :p to each their own though girly. Bet chicks like you look hot with the pink graphics, us guys just want a sick looking white bike so we have no choice but to cover them up.:D

my 09 decals are killing me!
Can you send one to me!?
What exactly is this thing?? I want those decals gone! They cant be removed with a blowdryer??
please use the search function. I answered your post already(within seconds)...check there for your answers. PM kevin to get on board with getting the template.
No need to be sorry bro :) :thumbup: welcome to the forum! You should go to the intro section and introduce yourself! Did you buy the bike yet?
you were quick to get on the forums...5 minutes lol
