What's your "other" hobby?

Been riding since '98.

Highlights have been trips to Utah and Jackson Hole Wyoming.

This season I'm riding my dream board -- Neversummer Revolver -- Rocker between the feet with a positive camber zone that starts just outside the bindings. A soft but firm noodle of a board representing some of the newest technologies in the last 2-3 years with the camber revolution in snowboarding. This thing just flexes like no other. It's like boarding re-defined for me. I'm like a lil kid in a playground, just buttering everything and anything I can. It locks into presses beautifully.

What's interesting is that I think from the speeds I have become accustomed to on the 6R -- I can now charge harder on the board disregarding the chatter from having a softer board.


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My latest is doing time trials in a Miata track car. The car is supercharged, weighs in at slightly less than 2000 lbs and has close to 200 WHP. This is at Sears Point last Friday.

my main side hobby is rock climbing, but i also ride bikes (the pedal kind), snowboard, work on cars and dabble in photography and drawing -- havent really had much time for anything except rock climbing/gym recently coz school has been so busy
I brew beer and am a referee for women's flat track roller derby (Home - Women). I also play PC games. I used to do taekwondo, caving, and rock climbing but have not done those in the past year. I have not been underground (caving) in more than two years except for a body recovery this Spring.
I've got a few, and they come and go really fast haha:

Here was one of latest projects, I built a wake winch from the ground up:
Im the guy hammering with the rock and doing a majority of the falling but it was a blast to build and learn to weld!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p18Wwj6xFfk]DaWinchi - YouTube[/ame]

My other baby: 2012 Trek Cobia-> Gotta love 29ers!

I also DJed for a while but got out of that haha!


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Shooting guns and Fantasy Football.
Snowboarding. It changed my life. I enjoy it more than riding any motorcycle... Just a little bit. Backcountry, powder stashes, glades, trees, all the shit I dream of and pursue. I started when I was 23. Winter after I started riding motorcycles.
Have a few hobbies, some where old professions but life goes on.

I still do a bit of Fine Art Photography with a couple of local shows every other year or so. I try to take my camera with me when I ride just in case I run by something I like. :) Got a question about how to use a camera, lighting, metering, just ask.
Surfs up dudes! Surfing for 30+ years still try to paddle out as much as possible. Last 9 years Shotokan Karatedo, training 3 nights a week! My 51 year old body loves it when i take a day off to ride!ha!
Old Fart

I have done custom woodwork for the last 30 plus years. I do a lot of stuff for the old car hobby locally. Truck beds, dashes and a console from time to time. Working on a 31 Ford now. It was a steel car but we cut the body off and I am making it into a woody. Just finished reproducing the wood mounting pieces for a 40 Ford sedan delivery. They bring me sawdust and I get to try and make new parts from that. I guess the other hobby I have is being with my 7 grandkids. They keep Pops pretty busy. At 62 I just bought my FZ so I could leave the Venture in the garage for the long runs.
I enjoy fishing as well especially when I get to go to the Boundry Waters in Minnesota.
I have a good long standing hobby for headphones and audio. For my headphone rig alone, I have spent around $1300-1500, planning on upgrading soon to a bigger better setup too.

I also enjoy computers, hate working on them, love seeing results of them though.

i like shooting, fishing/ camping, and Muay Thai boxing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I am not good at any thing listed but I try real hard and have alot of fun with them.


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