What the... another Ahole in NJ Rt208

For me it's a no brainer. I wear the helmet cam 100% of the time. I work across from a Police station and Superior Court. So downloading the video and walking across the street to report these pricks is easy.
On U-Tube I always do blown up still shots of the license plate and full screen menus to make sure the license plate is known and if I get them, pictures of their face. They have no expectation of privacy and video doesn't lie so I am not afraid of being sued.
Ngengs-- sorry dude but I'm gonna harp a little stronger...no offense intended but ....you have a responsibility to yourself, to all of us riders, (and cagers for that matter), to report this driver ASAP. Who knows - maybe he's caused wrecks before and will again....

You've had a few days to think about it.....so....? Even if the police do nothing, at least you've done your part of what you can do. Please think about it - what if you save someone's life by getting this guy off the road, (or warned at least)?
I agree with all of the comments. Report this.
i deal with this weekly in NE ohio on I77, makes one lose faith in humanity pretty quickly. glad he didnt take you out, stay safe friend.
Did you really? That's awesome. I remember when someone in high school did the same thing. We all thought it was funny. The police called it mail fraud.
Oh please... lighten up... it was tongue-in-cheek, as explanation for those of you that need a pucker relaxer (*and* an explanation)...


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Sorry, I guess when you said
(and yes... I've taken similarly vindictive yet wholly satisfying action in the past...)​
I assumed that you had actually sent magazines to someone. My mistake.

Sucks taking someone for their word huh? :D
Sorry, I guess when you said

(and yes... I've taken similarly vindictive yet wholly satisfying action in the past...)​

I assumed that you had actually sent magazines to someone. My mistake.
Yes, it *was* your mistake.

"Similarly vindictive," yes.
Magazines in the mail, no -- that's amateur hour...
Wait, don't tell me, I want to guess. You put dog crap in a paper bag, lit it on fire on the front porch, then rang the doorbell and ran. And when the guy answered it, you had run around back and rung the back doorbell so he tracked crap through the house? Yup, another keeper.
Very creative... personal flashback, or did you just plagiarize another adolescent?

Very creative... personal flashback, or did you just plagiarize another adolescent?

