Went to the Dr. this morning...


New Member
... to figure out what we want to do for my shoulder. It's either do Physical Therapy again, which I've done multiple times in the past and hasn't really helped in the long run, or surgery. If I opt for surgery, it'll be in about 3 weeks. Also with the type of work that I do, I'll be out for, at least, 2 months.

I'm torn on what to do. I've been dealing with this shoulder problem for 10+ yrs and just want it taken care of...

What I would like to hear from you guys is to let me know what ya'll think I should do.

Surgery or no Surgery???
Here's my take on it. You need to weigh the pluses and minus's and make your own decision. I had a shoulder injury years ago that I thought I could live with. One arm only raises half way now and I have lived with the pain for 25 years. If I had it to do over I would have had surgery right away. Good luck!
Here's my take on it. You need to weigh the pluses and minus's and make your own decision. I had a shoulder injury years ago that I thought I could live with. One arm only raises half way now and I have lived with the pain for 25 years. If I had it to do over I would have had surgery right away. Good luck!

As of now, I have partial numbess/tingling in my pinky and ring fingers along with some swelling of all fingers and very limited range of motion. Can't raise my arm above my shoulder/neck.
I tore my labrum 5 years ago... no pain but had numbness when throwing a baseball or softball hard (>50 mph).

I suffered through it for 2.5 years until i could not throw a softball from second base to first I decided it was time to fix the issue.

I have 95% of my mobility back, but I don't have the strength back 4 years later...although I have not kept up on the exercises.

So my vote is fix the problem but be a better patient than I was!

Same here. I can't throw a ball more than a few times before my arm feels like its going to fall off.
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I would do the surgery. I've seen when ya swell up... not too good.

I would just have a long talk with your work and see what all will come about with you unable to work. Any one handed tasks they can have you do? Don't want to lose your job/income, but you need your arm to be functional.

They wanted to do surgery on my shoulder quite a while ago but we decided not too. It does not bother me too much today, but feels like a sack of rocks in there when I rotate it back. I've learned to just not move it in that way and its been ok for now. Will eventually need it without my choice. Then after dislocating my other shoulder... that one still gives me a little pain here and there.

You can't really mask/hide your symptoms/pain like that, so I'd say its time to do it while you are still young and your body can recover quicker.

Do you have any disability pay/leave at work?
I would do the surgery. I've seen when ya swell up... not too good.

I would just have a long talk with your work and see what all will come about with you unable to work. Any one handed tasks they can have you do? Don't want to lose your job/income, but you need your arm to be functional.

They wanted to do surgery on my shoulder quite a while ago but we decided not too. It does not bother me too much today, but feels like a sack of rocks in there when I rotate it back. I've learned to just not move it in that way and its been ok for now. Will eventually need it without my choice. Then after dislocating my other shoulder... that one still gives me a little pain here and there.

You can't really mask/hide your symptoms/pain like that, so I'd say its time to do it while you are still young and your body can recover quicker.

Do you have any disability pay/leave at work?

Not sure if I have disability. My boss is out of town for another week or so, so I can't talk with him to see what we can work out...
If you do the surgery (which I would, if I were you), make sure you do all the exercises as required!!!!!!! Otherwise it will be useless and then you'd have wasted money/time/ your arm for nothing. I've had two major and four minor surgeries on my right knee. Last one (major) a year ago and I am now finally starting to get my strength back in that leg. And I have been doing the exercises diligently... It will probably take longer that you feel it should to get your mobility/strength back, but you'll thank yourself when it happens.
Surgery makes leaps and bounds and shop around for otho clinics. Drs are like mechanics, some good and some bad.
If its 50/50 and your shoulders screwed anyway what have you got to lose? I would do it ..... But make the right decision for you. Its easy for us to sit hear and say do it but you live with the pain daily .... Good luck with either way you decide!!
Get it done, do your rehab and be physically comfortable for the rest of your years...
No point suffering and not being able to fully enjoy each day.

As said before if Dr's are like mechanics and your body is like a moto,
...repair/ replace/ rebuild the faulty parts, do the maintenance, run the motor in (train) and get active regularly to burn the nasties out :D
