Vinyl Wrapping


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Also one thing you want to make sure that you keep in mind is that you will want to order vinyl that is wide enough for your larger panels on your bike or you will have to try to match the edges of the vinyl up to another to keep the look right.

Also you will want to plan how your patterns lay when it comes to carbon fiber. Typically you want everything to have the appearance of going the same direction. Another words don't have one with a pattern like |||||| and then another panel that goes /////. It will look strange up close.
This is probably a dumb question but if you are going for matte black why not just do plastidip?
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I almost Plastidipped my whole bike because I know the guy thats runs one of the retail stores here in Florida....I did a test on the back tail sections, worked great (white to orange) but when I put a layer of black down, i had a hard time covering the black with the orange. im looking to pay them to do it using the gallon cans and mixing a custom color....its on my "To Do List Of Things I'll Probably Never Do."

Peeling it off was super super easy and any area with over spray ( was working on the table and found some on the handlebars of the bike) I just rubbed with my finger and it came off

Overall...LOVE the stuff, just not my talents at applying :D
No such thing as a dumb question because I never heard of it until you're post...

And that ladies and gentleman is one of the reasons I'm a forum member...:)

So now I'm you tubing it, ect and thinking hmmm lol.

Wait, so I had an actually somewhat useful post?! All right! This brings the total of useful posts to........ 1. That's ok, gotta start somewhere. :p
