very close call

very close call yesterday night. im coming home from my buddies house who lives on a farm and a semi is passing me cause im doing the speed limit cause im freazin my nards off at this point and with a semi beside me in the left lane a deer ran out onto the road i immediatedly swerved towards the ditch trying not to go into the ditch but by the time my back brake locked up my rear tire had entered the ditch and i knew i was fubared so i turned into the ditch so i didnt flip sideways and lay it down. by this point i was already planning to purchase my next bike cause this one is screwed lol anyway its a 6 feet tall ditch on the side of the highway at a 35 degree decline and i slid down it wobbling got to the bottom, saw several large rocks to avoid mean while im bouncing all over the damn place pretending my rocket is a motocross dirt bike doing almost 100 km an hour when theres another deer in the ditch! OMFG ARE YOU SERIOUS! that one jumped out of my way before coming up on a turn off and actually ramping up it, getting what FELT like 3 feet of air and regaining control and proceeding to go home and dispose of my underwear!:eek:

add a much much steeper ditch and this is pretty close to the area i was at. this is in alberta but a few hours from me but this shows the kind of intersection i got my massive airtime on
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my father just hit a deer a few weeks ago on his bike , damn deer i say we declare war on deer and take them all out . i mean really they have all these huge fields to eat and frolic in and they have to be next to the 24 feet of damn roadway , thats right deer be afraid be very afraid this is WAR!!!.....:mad::mad::mad:

On a serious note im glad your ok and lived to right another day being vigilant is key to riding and coming home from your ride....
Sometimes they say its better to hit the damn deer than swerve into the ditch. For insurance purposes.. if you do swerve to miss the deer instead of hitting it they can try to blame the crash on driver error and not compensate as much for the wreck. We talked about that for a good 15 minutes one morning during the MSF course
Wow....I am so glad you pulled that off and didn't get hurt.
Great riding skills there for sure.

We don't have deer in Los Angeles, just the occasional wino falling into the roadway.

They told us at my MSF course if it's below the axle, run it over - Deer is higher than the axle, so better to avoid - however, I can understand the insurance point of view....hard to prove a deer ran out while your bike was sitting in a ditch totalled.

Sucks to hear, how are you and the bike after 12 hours?!
Sometimes they say its better to hit the damn deer than swerve into the ditch. For insurance purposes.. if you do swerve to miss the deer instead of hitting it they can try to blame the crash on driver error and not compensate as much for the wreck. We talked about that for a good 15 minutes one morning during the MSF course

They say its better to just hit the deer but let's be honest. If something jumps out in front of you (especially as big as a deer), it's just a natural instinct to swerve to try and avoid it. I suspect the overwhelming majority who do hit the deer were trying to swerve but just didn't clear it.
a note on that
if i pass i gassit get past them , or let off so they can go , yours is the reason i do it . i dont like nowhere to go , and semi tires blow i dont want to be next to them :Flash:
yeah that is that bad thing in about insurance , if you hit the deer its a no fault accident , if you drive into a ditch , no proof that there was a deer hopefully it was muddy and theres deer tracks. If not hope the trooper rides himself and looks out for you. If not prepare to shell out money
as stupid as it sounds i think a background in motocross growing up saved me and my bike lol.. and as for swerving or hitting the deer? the deer weighs the same as the bike or close too, so thats essentially coming to a dead stop instantly. now throw antlers that could pierce you like a steak knife to a condom! guess what route im taking...
Sorry to hear about that, but I'm glad to hear you took it well and came out of it ok.

as stupid as it sounds i think a background in motocross growing up saved me and my bike lol..

I hear you there! I know of at least one instance where my dirt bike skills saved my arse. I came in a "little hot" into a clover leaf on-ramp on my CBR. I ended up jumping a curb and crossed oncoming traffic into the gravel shoulder headed towards the ditch. Once I knew I was going to hit the curb (@ 40+mph) something in my brain turned on the "dirt bike mode" and I got my butt off the seat, hit both brakes hard when I landed then let go of the front brake as soon as I hit the gravel on the shoulder. Some how there was no damage to the bike, I didn't lay her down, missed on-coming traffic and avoided the ditch.
Personally Id rather stay alive and have a totalled bike in the ditch explaining it to insurance. Hence why I always ride with my helmet cam. JUST IN CASE. My uncle actually hit a deer on his harley and had a halo around his knee because he hit the deer versus swerving.
Glad you can out of it OK. Sorry to hear about you 6R,I really like the 2010 white ones. By chance are you going to take any pics of your bike? Laurie
