Things People Say To You

Pumping gas on a rainy day,

guy walks up and says "I bet you wouldn't have ridden that bike today if you knew it was going to rain"

Me "Yeah, i shouldn't have put this rain-suit on before i left the house or it probably wouldn't have"
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Not necessarily funny, but a little awkward, I got out of work early so I figured I'd catch my wife leaving work one day. When I pulled up she was out front with a colleague. Clowing a little, I flipped up my visor, looked at my wife, and said "Hey cutie, do you like guys who ride motorcycles?" Her colleague (having no idea who I was) very eagerly stepped in front of my wife and right up to my bike and said "I like guys who ride motorcycles!"
Not necessarily funny, but a little awkward, I got out of work early so I figured I'd catch my wife leaving work one day. When I pulled up she was out front with a colleague. Clowing a little, I flipped up my visor, looked at my wife, and said "Hey cutie, do you like guys who ride motorcycles?" Her colleague (having no idea who I was) very eagerly stepped in front of my wife and right up to my bike and said "I like guys who ride motorcycles!"

Haha. That is indeed funny.. Funnier if her colleague was a dude though. Of course you did not say if it was or wasnt a chick... :D
Her colleague is female, and not difficult to look at, either. It was a little awkward. Even more so for her once she figured out who I was.
Her colleague is female, and not difficult to look at, either. It was a little awkward. Even more so for her once she figured out who I was.

I can imagine! Thats funny.
I had a guy in a limo pull up at a gas pump behind me and I was putting my gloves on while straddling my bike right in front of the gas station doors... I saw him in the glass of the station windows walking up looking checking out my bike and he walked up next to me and put his hands on his knees to get a look at the side and said, "Man, that is one mean looking machine." To which I nodded and said, "Thanks" I've haven't had a negative comment yet.

My fiance works at a bank and I go in to see her all the time on my lunches. One day I was in a hurry and hopped off my bike and walked in with my gear and helmet on, I just flipped up my facemask. Several of the business banking people were giving me really weird looks, so I pulled off my helmet to find out their branch manager was about to call security on me because they didn't know who I was. That was the day I learned... "No matter what, take off your helmet when entering a building, especially a bank." hehe
Yes, i found this out also the hard way. "sir sir sir" then the guard "hey u remove the lid" Threw my hands up and then stepped out to remove it.

I get more deer-in-the-headlight looks than comments when I get off the bike, take off the helmet, and they see the color of this hair...

