theRook's Mix video


New Member
My first video using windows movie maker. Let me know what you guys think.

[ame=""]theRook's FZ6R Mix - YouTube[/ame]
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I tried watching it



just givin ya goose bro...btw way not to reply to my text or phonecall...I see where I stack up lol
So why was the video "removed by the user" rook...huh huh huh? I wanted to see this damnit
your phone still dead? lol

and now that I can watch it I love it :)

well done with windows movie maker, its a pain in the butt program sometimes but you did good work. how long did it take you to make the movie?
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I think you have a wise concept rook...I think alot of people will be Montag'ing now
well you were right. Quick... patent the technique and we can be million fz6r'ers together. As soon as riding season comes...this is what my vids will consist of. I<3u
Very niiiice!!cool video! I've only uploaded raw videos bc when I try to upload from iMovie 06 to YouTube for it won't work. Says wrong format or something. It's over my head lol. But love the vid!! I want to upload videos with music soooooo bad. Nice vid rook
Ok, I know I'm a noobie, but that was the best bike vid I've seen! I loved it! Congrats, Rook. By the way, who was that music track by? It was cool.....powerful but understated enough not to be distracting. The editing really stitches this one. Long grabs from the same camera position can be a bit boring at times. Well done!
I forgot to add, at around 60-80, I thought that you had sped the film up a bit....then I realised that the bike is calibrated mph, not kph! Ha!
Ok, I know I'm a noobie, but that was the best bike vid I've seen! I loved it! Congrats, Rook. By the way, who was that music track by? It was cool.....powerful but understated enough not to be distracting. The editing really stitches this one. Long grabs from the same camera position can be a bit boring at times. Well done!

pretty sure the music was by rammstein (sp)
I forgot to add, at around 60-80, I thought that you had sped the film up a bit....then I realised that the bike is calibrated mph, not kph! Ha!

haha... Nope, I didn't speed anything up! All original! :thumbup:
My goal is to show that our 6R is not a machine one should underestimate. It can tear up the twisties just like any super-sport out there. The song is "ich will" by Rammstein. oorgle called that one ;)

Thank you guys for the comments... I really appreciate them.

I really appreciate you



