So I'm sitting here at work...

The Line 6 Flextone III XL was the flagship product and is the only Line 6 product I'd own other than the Pod which I have. When combined with a FBV Shortboard, the Flextone III XL mimics a tube amp better than any other modeling amp I have ever used. I also have two Vox modeling amps and they are not as good.
I have been called a tube Nazi many a time in the past and I swore I'd never go transistor but this is the one amp that works as advertised.
I have had Dual Rectifiers, Soldano Hot Hods, SLOs, Marshall Plexi, JTM45, JCM800, Bassmans etc ad infinitim. In a livingroom setup, having an amp that starts instantly and does what you want it to do immediately makes it a lot easier to relax and pick up where you left off.

I'm one of the pioneers that originally modded the Epiphone Valve Junior, Galaxie 10, Vox Valvetronix VT30 and hand made 18 watt Marshall clones.

Go figure I have a Line 6 in my living room:eek:
hey, even bill gates and steve jobs had a computer at home some point right? :lol:
Sometimes both. Not that I've noticed.

I get both, happens about every 4-5 years, I start to lose interest in everything, and can't concentrate. Happened to me again at the start of this year and I was off work for 6 weeks - takes me about 9 months for it to go away. I've seen specialist and the like and they say it's masked depression - you don't feel depressed you just can't do anything that needs thinking about and you don't care either. I work in IT too and I love my job so it's very frustrating :(
Its work ... get through it with as little effort as possible, and collect the paycheck at the end of the week. Thats how it goes, just make sure you put that paycheck to good use by buying toys like boats, and motorcycles :p
Is it just me or does everyone get 1 to 3 emails a day from some company trying to sell me Viagra in my work email?

I don't get this shyte at home....:rolleyes:
I don't feel the love if I don't get at least one Viagra email in my spam can a day.
I surf the net and this forum daily from 0900-1700 and get paid, can't beat that folks....
and I have absolutely no motivation/desire to do anything. Anyone else ever get that way? What do you do?

I feel your pain, I usually sit and stare at a pic of my bike on my desk top and day dream about straightening out some twistie roads;).... aaaaaannd then the phone rings :(
I get those emails, along with the ones for mail-order brides. I blame it on my college buddies, because we used to sign each other up for crap like that. It just never stopped and my junk folder and spam blocker don't seem to do a very good job of filtering them out.

