So I'm giving up the 5.0 status!

Well I'm in NY for a week on vacation... Pretty Jet lagged but I'm excited... Also I received a call from the Chief Probation Officer... I PASSED MY TEST! :)
He told me to enjoy my vacation and to call him for a interview date when I get back!!!! Thanks guys for all your prayers! One step closer ;)

I'm heading to time square tomorrow if anyone here lives in the area... :)
Glad to hear bro. ;)
Way to go Rook, have fun in NY!!
Grats... Milestones are good...!
well i'm in ny for a week on vacation... Pretty jet lagged but i'm excited... Also i received a call from the chief probation officer... I passed my test! :)
he told me to enjoy my vacation and to call him for a interview date when i get back!!!! Thanks guys for all your prayers! One step closer ;)

i'm heading to time square tomorrow if anyone here lives in the area... :)

Have fun in NYC!
GOT THE JOB!!! Walked in for my interview and sat down. First thing out of the Chief's mouth was "Go ahead and put in your notice." :)
GOT THE JOB!!! Walked in for my interview and sat down. First thing out of the Chief's mouth was "Go ahead and put in your notice." :)

Congrats bro! Knew ya would get it! :D
