Scaird Shitless


New Member
Have any of you done a wheelie and not mean to?

Happened to me today when a drunk :iconbeer: or other wise inattentive driver swerved in and out of my lane! I covered my clutch to slow down and without thinking revved the motor next thing i knew front wheel is about six inches in the air!
never done it... to scared to drop my bike... ive wanted to learn... what gear were you in... i think the bike can power the front end up in 1st... but i maybe wrong
Have any of you done a wheelie and not mean to?

Happened to me today when a drunk :iconbeer: or other wise inattentive driver swerved in and out of my lane! I covered my clutch to slow down and without thinking revved the motor next thing i knew front wheel is about six inches in the air!

Same exact thing happened to me yesterday going over the Bay Bridge into SF. I about sh!t myself. Some @ss monkey made an abrupt lane change right into my lane because some other guy cut in front of him. I swerved to the right as much as I could, pulled in the clutch, applied the brakes, and hit the horn. Then when I went to go, I revved the engine, dropped the clutch, and pulled a little wheelie. I totally wasn't meaning to, but my nerves were a little razzled. Guy didn't even care that he almost smeared me across the bridge railing. I was wearing my bright green reflective vest and was just coming through his blind spot. When we came off the next off-ramp, I wanted to break his passenger window in. I was pissed. :mad: I've had some close calls, but that one was too close. The thing that's been freaking me out the most lately is the fear I'm gonna get rear ended. Has anyone installed those "Electropods" flashing brake lights on any of their bikes before?
I've done the accidental wheelie twice now and both times it got my heart racing and my pants dirty. :eek:

The last time I was coming up to a red light that I have timed and know when it will go green. So I was cruising at about 25 mph in 1st gear and when the red light turned green, I hammered the throttle and pulled the front wheel up about 4-6 inches. I didn't mean to do it, as I was trying to get in front of traffic where the road narrows from 2 lanes down to 1 lane.
I pulled a stoppie and ended up over the handlebars last night...lost my right mirror and broke my windscreen and bent the brackets that hold the fairing...and i broke my radial head in my left arm. friend rode my bike home said it was fine mechanically.

Yikes... did the sliders help out?
I pulled a stoppie and ended up over the handlebars last night...lost my right mirror and broke my windscreen and bent the brackets that hold the fairing...and i broke my radial head in my left arm. friend rode my bike home said it was fine mechanically.

WOW! :eek: I hope you heal up quickly and you get the bike back together!!

Just out of curiosity, was this an intentional stoppie, or was it emergency braking to the extreme?

Again, heal up fast man!
I've done the accidental wheelie twice now and both times it got my heart racing and my pants dirty. :eek:

The last time I was coming up to a red light that I have timed and know when it will go green. So I was cruising at about 25 mph in 1st gear and when the red light turned green, I hammered the throttle and pulled the front wheel up about 4-6 inches. I didn't mean to do it, as I was trying to get in front of traffic where the road narrows from 2 lanes down to 1 lane.

Dude, I'm a retired firefighter and I can't say enough about intersection accidents that I've seen happen . Hopefully in your case there is no cross traffic of any kind, because it takes just one guy who blows the timing/lights and it goes to hell. FWIW enter and exit intersections with extreme caution (and then take them with acceleration), they just don't see you, blind to bikes I tell you.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, I'm a retired firefighter and I can't say enough about intersection accidents that I've seen happen . Hopefully in your case there is no cross traffic of any kind, because it takes just one guy who blows the timing/lights and it goes to hell. FWIW enter and exit intersections with extreme caution (and then take them with acceleration), they just don't see you, blind to bikes I tell you.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hear ya! This intersection is on my way to and from work, so I have been coming through there 2-4 times a day for the last 3 years. It's an overpass for an exit onto a highway, so you can see all the way down the ramp for any oncoming traffic. I am always cautious at intersections, because this city (Shreveport, LA) is absolutely the worst for people coming through after red. :rant:
If everyone would put the cell phones down, quit eating while driving, reading the newspaper or book and yelling at the kids while their not paying attention we all may have a better chance. I would not be opposed to States having a self improvement driving class every five years maybe 8 hours of safe driving practices to renew your license. Not saying this would solve all the bad driving but people need to be aware of others and furthermore DRIVING IS A PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT!:mad:

never done it... to scared to drop my bike... ive wanted to learn... what gear were you in... i think the bike can power the front end up in 1st... but i maybe wrong

first gear!
