SC to Fla.



Well I'll be leaving in the morning for my cold ride from Belton, SC to Jacksonville, Fla. it's a little shy of 400miles each way and I'll be doing a bunch of riding while there so I expect 1500+ miles this week. Odom is sitting on 6646 right now so we'll see. Also going to be first long ride with my new seat and cortech sport luggage. Will do a review on the cortechs when I get back as well as posting whatever pics I take along the way. Here's the route and wish me luck it's going to be cold till I get into Ga. about lunch time.,-82.110175&sspn=6.36655,8.448486&ie=UTF8&ll=32.417066,-82.111816&spn=6.369164,8.448486&z=7

Good looking FZ.

May you find plenty of curves and kill lots of bugs.
Have a good trip, just watch out for those gators at the Okofenoke wildlife park :eek:

A little ride down 200 and you will be in Gainsville. If you are a fan of Dragracing, and havent been to the Swamp Rat Museum. (Don Garlits) You should go..

Bike Adventures: March 2008

My Flordia trip last spring. Scroll down towards the bottom for many pictures of the museum.

Well folks bad news. Got almost to the Georgia line and had to turn back due to a family emergency at home all is well for now but I needed to be here and the family always comes 1st. Did get to put 140 or so miles on my new gear and equipment though so all is not lost. Trip is postponed for now but I'll make it sometime. Everything did well and I will take pictures of bag setup and do my review in next few days. To tired tonight after being at hospital all day.
dang family gettin' in the way of having fun:( j/k

Glad all is well. Gotta take care of the home fire first, you will get there yet;)

At least none of the gear fell off.
how much did all the gear cost? I want to take a nice route up north sometime so let me know how it is when you continue the trip. I hope the family is well.
Well the Saddlebags were $130, another $70 for tail bag and $40 for the tank bag. Plus a couple bills for the custom gel seat. Then of course $180 for the Pazzo levers. Seat was a wonderful addition I went 3 hours and 140 miles basically without stopping and only started to get the numb butt the last 15minutes or so. Even during the summer when I was riding all the time I could only go about 45 min before I wanted to take a break. The Cortech Sport bags are a must have if you want to do any traveling. They are so much better than lugging a backpack around and allow you to pack plenty enough for a week long solo trip. Maybe 3 days 2-up. That's without washing any clothes during the trip. I'll be working on the review shortly so check the Product review section for more pics and such.
Hope everything is OK with the family. Better luck next time bro.:thumbup:

Hope everything is OK with the family. Better luck next time bro.:thumbup:

Thanks man yea everything is fine. The wife just had some pre-term labor issues but all is well now she is just on bedrest for the next 12 weeks until the baby comes so no travelling for us. She was actually supposed to meet me down there over the weekend to visit with family and have her baby shower but they are going to have to carry-on without us. No biggie I'll just have to make the trip sometime in the spring.
