Right Foot Peg


New Member
I am learning to ride. I have been starting and stopping up and down my driveway. At one point I was ready to start. Had put down into 1st. Leaned over and supported the bike with my left foot, had hands in correct positions on bars, Raised my right foot onto peg with ready to use the break to start off. Next thing I know the bike was falling to the right. The foot peg just simply broke off. SO as a new rider ( and even if I were not) I was not expecting my foot to fall down getting me off balance.. which in turn bent my brake level and caused a bit of cosmetic damage to my new bike with less then 2O miles on it. When I called the dealer I bought it from and told them I needed to order a foot peg the response was. "OH NO. I bet it was the right driver peg wasn't it? They have been causing problems". Yet I have to PAY for a new peg. If its a manufactured problem should there not be a recall before someone gets hurt? We are calling yamaha Monday to see what we can do about it. I LOVE this bike. Did all my own research and chose this paticular one and was so excited once I got it. I dont want a differant bike. I just want to make sure this does not occur again!!!!:rant:
That's the first I've heard of problems with any of the pegs, much less the right one. Please post on the final resolution of the problem.
mine sheered off... when i low sided at 35 mph. That just sounds like a weird thing in general for any dealer to say.
Either way. I have another one ordered. Maybe it was just a faulty one. IDK. I went ahead and did what they suggested and put one of the back ones onto the front (although its a not spring loaded) for now since I am only going up and down the driveway with it. Guess I am just kinda bummed. I am anxious to learn.. but I am one of those very cautious want to make sure I get everything down pat kind of people. haha. prolly be riding up and down my driveway all summer.. or at least until I do the MRC. haha
Wow, that's bizarre... Do u have a 2009 or a 2010? A lot of us have 2009's, and I don't think we've had this issue... If that dealer is having right foot peg issues, I wonder if their installation is bad or they got a bad batch of bikes??
One thing that I've noticed as a newbie too, is that there really are good riding days and bad riding days...

On a good riding day, I'm alert & doing everything correctly, feeling in control & confident, and pacing myself correctly.... On a bad riding day, I can't seem to do anything right- ie gear shifting isn't smooth, I'll stall at a stop sign with no cars around for no good reason, or I'll just feel nervous doing a routine ride that I always do...

The only thing I can attribute it to is possibly rest and mental state? (Or maybe not eating Cheerios that am? lol...). On a bad day I usually make my practice shorter and stick strictly to roads I'm familiar with and stay with my practice routine...

I think back to when I was learning to drive stick as a teenager, and i compare it now how I don't even have to think about it at all- ie it's instinctive....

Practice, practice, practice makes perfect I guess =)
strange. where did it break off at. mount, bolts pin where it 'pivots'.....
If you have a friend that rides, you could team up and get to a parking lot or open area. Might cost you a lunch but it would be good for you. Do you have a dead end street or quiet cul-de-sac nearby? (Stay thirsty my friend!)
I have a 09. I am not really sure why it broke like it did. As my bf just said... he just dropped his and skidded it down the road a bit and he saw sparks coming from the foot pet.. but it did not even bend. Like I said.. maybe it was just a faulty one but still not happy to have to fork out an extra 35 bucks for a part that I feel should not have to. Kinda really excited now however. Cason (bf) found some pearl white reflective 7MM wheel tape and just put it on and man does it look sharp! Also.. for the starting and stopping. He has me doing it in the driveway which has an incline. He says.. if I can start on that.. I will do JUST fine on the flats!! haha. but as you say.. practice practice!!
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That seems to be caused by a flawed casting. A defect of the manufacturing. They should replace it free. I often stand up on my pegs after a long day in the saddle. Not so sure I will be doing that on this bike after seeing that. Good thing you were not standing on the pegs at 70mph.... If your dealer won't help, contact Yamaha directly.
We are contacting yamaha Tuesday since they are closed at this time. That is actually what my bf said.. what if I going over a unavoidable object and slight raise as the Driving Manual says to do and it fell off. I most not would have been as fortunate to just simply have the bike fall over. Still not happy about the scratches on the bike now from it either. I am just glad that even with that I am stubborn, determined, and really wanting to ride. That it did not scare me to turn me off on it! Of course one thing I did get to learn was how to PICK the heavy bike back up!!!
