Redneck Tanktop


Staff member
And you thought rednecks weren't smart. This seems pretty ingenious to me.

True Redneck Tank Top!

This was taken in front of the Gardendale, Alabama , Walmart while she was going to the Flea market. This is hysterical! Look at it closely.

Now I ask you...
Who sits and looks at a pair of men's briefs and says hmmmm...I can make a nice summer top from these!! On the other hand...$6 for a three pack is a good price!!

What's worse is that we can't see the "front" to know whether it was a clean pair or not...:eek:
thats so gross!!
I wonder if she's related to the Santa Cruz wacko???
whos that?

The ditsy woman talking during the Santa Cruz city council testimonies. It's another thread in the bar entitled "If you live in CA..."
I wonder if that hole was made by the man wearing them after eating at Taco Bell?:rof::rof::rof::rof::rof::rof::rof::rof:

Double EWWWWW! :eek:
