Red Light...

leprecaun jon

Elite Member


New Member
Saw this earlier today... Good thing he is ok. He is very lucky.

Technically, it's 100% truck driver's fault for running a red light.

But, from a common sense point-of-view it's 100% rider fault for (a) entering an intersection without using caution, (b) riding too fast, (c) not scanning ahead for hazards & using peripheral vision, and (d) being a dumbass & treating city streets like a playground...

We are basically exposed & vulnerable on 2 wheels in an asphalt jungle where 3000+ lb metal beasts are trying to crush us at any second.

Staying alert, staying focused & scanning ahead is a matter of life & death. It's not the place to be horsing around. Sigh


New Member
Boy...just glad the cager stopped and jumped out to lend a hand knowing he was going to take some flack for the red light.


New Member
I'm glad he's alright, however, as the above posters mentioned he should have used caution entering the intersection.

Note - I doubt the video made it to the authorities considering that his friend stunting would most likely get multiple tickets / possible license suspension after reviewing the tape.


New Member
I'm sure authorities have seen the tape, seeing that its been on the news.

It shows the driver of the cager being at fault, however i can see some 'reckless' driving or some other charge being give to the mc because of his actions before the accident.

I like how one of the comments on the the news website saying that the cager was distracted by him doing a wheelie. he was down before the intersection and i don't see how the other driver could have seen him stunting. (btw, i'm not condoning public stunting)


New Member
In the uk it'd be classed as contributory negligence.

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New Member
"your honer, i dont know those other bikers in the video, i dont know their names nor do i condone their behavior, i was merely a witness to their antics.
i myself am a safe and law abiding motorcycle rider who was clipped by a man who ran a red light. that is all..."


New Member
In the uk it'd be classed as contributory negligence.

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So just asking and not to counter your statement because I agree with it.

What if that was you and you were just wearing a cam like I always do and you had no idea this guy was a squid that the 2rd biker invited to ride along. Would it still be contributory negligence because you didn't go the opposite direction when you saw what he was doing? It seems like the contributory negligence would be assessed based on being with or perceived as being with the squid for the purpose of video taping him do illegal acts. I know this video wasn't the case but I was just wondering at what point does it change from being in the wrong place and time to contributory negligence. He wasn't speeding and was training behind in a reasonable manner and not staying on the squid's tail to get the best shots. Even going through the intersection, his focus wasn't on the squid.
I know he went there to record the squid in the video and he'd be hard pressed to prove otherwise but I just wanted to get your opinion on the what if scenario. I hope my question was clear.


New Member
Green means go if safe to do so. It isn't a "blindly ride out into an intersection" light, though most traffic.treats it as such.

Contributory negligence would only really affect a "payout" for injury, shouldn't result in a criminal record.

Just rewatched the video, you're right. Biker really want doing anything dangerous at the time, however the group he was riding with were dicks.

In the uk we also have a law about joint enterprise.

If the stunt rider was pulled up on charges, it could be argued he was only doing it due to being filmed, so not only will the one rider be suing with dangerous driving charges but the camera bike would be charged with the same under joint enterprise.

I'm no lawyer though and I say the car driver is the primary fault guy in this case.

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New Member
The simplest answer would be to edit the video to only show the most relevant part. There is probably more than 5 seconds of squid free video before the crash and a clear view of a green light before he turns towards the oncoming truck. You would not expect to see 10 hours of surveillance camera footage when the only relevant part is the last 10 seconds. While I agree that you are ultimately responsible for your own safety, to say that the truck driver was anything less than 100% responsible is wrong. There is always something the victim could have done differently to avoid being victimized, but that can never be used to assign blame. In this case neither the rider nor the driver looked before proceeding into the intersection, the equation is still balanced, however the driver ALSO ran the red light which tips the balance in favor of the biker. Sorry for the rant there, but "blame the victim" is a bit of a peeve of mine.


New Member
If you look at the video just before the crash, the bike that got hit increased his speed before he reached the intersection. He was in the #3 lane furthest from the vehicle that ran the red light. #4 was a right turn only lane.
So while he did have a good lane, he should have slowed for the intersection, not sped up. The rate at which the cager was going made it impossible to make any emergency avoidance maneuver after the cager was spotted tho. His speed made sure of that.

Other than backing off the throttle and not increasing it prior to the intersection, there was nothing the bike could have done to avoid the cager. He looked left but there wasn't anything he could do as it was too late.

Speed kills....slow down to the point where you have a good view to make sure a cager isn't blowing the red light. Your speed is directly related as to whether the cager can see you.


New Member
We got a problem Houston

It appears from the story that all the bikers are being accused of popping wheelies. If one does it, all are doing it according to the unwashed masses.

The real problem tho for the dud that was hit is that neither he nor the truck have any insurance.

leprecaun jon

Elite Member
