
My playlist is cloud based, through my phone... Can't ride without music...

Here, in Georgia, it's not legal to listen to music, however, it's legal to talk on your phone via the headset... Kind of difficult to tell which you're doing, from *outside* the helmet...
Never rode with music... but I want to try it now. I cannot find any earbuds/speakers that are cheap and dont hurt me putting the helmet on/while wearing the helmet or taking the helmet off... My phone will die fast while listening to music. Thinking about picking up a cheap Ipod shuffle or something. They have really good battery life. I have a charging port on my bike but dont have a handlebar mount for my phone. For the same price as the mount, I can just get the mp3 player. Just need to find comfy speakers.

I dont think you would be able to really hear any speakers NOT in your helmet while riding... You would have to have really loud. Would just annoy most everyone around you ;)
check out the links I droped in this thread on the first page I think

Neat, but I do like the Portable MP3 fact that I can hike, bike, car, etc with it as well. New shuffle is only like $49 or something like that. Seems most cost effective right now. Works fine for all my other needs, just need different ear speakers for helmet. Tried my wifes Ipod speakers and was a big no go. They were fine until wearing the helmet/taking it off.
I use the ones that came with my Zune. They are probably equivalent to the $15-20 earbuds that can be found on sites like I then just take 1 earbud, put it in *upside down (so what little post there is is somewhat up and forward) then drape the cord over my ear to support it as I put my helmet on. Never really have a problem taking helmet on or off, just making sure I set enough slack above the collar of my jacket.

That is a good idea...
I dont think you would be able to really hear any speakers NOT in your helmet while riding... You would have to have really loud. Would just annoy most everyone around you ;)

But I like music really loud. :D
Sorry, man, but there is nothing worse than when I am inside my own house and I am subjected to the sound of some d-bag with a big stereo. I sound like an old fart when I say this, but people don't want to hear your stereo. They have sleeping kids, jobs in the morning, are trying to talk or watch a movie, etc... so if you plan on adding a stereo to your bike please be considerate. Otherwise you're no better than the stupid Harley that just went past my house on a quiet street in town rattling my windows, drowning out my TV, and waking up my baby.

Rant over.
Those helmet speakers work pretty well but you may need the amp at anything over 30 or 40 MPH

I rigged up some speakers $10 from BigW (similar to Walmart) inside my helmet with a clipon BT dongle (clipped to edge fabric of helmet) about a year ago -very similar to what others have posted before and they work a treat.

The thing to note is getting headphone speakers that are 110db+, I first tested it out with cheap $2 headphones which were only rated to 100db, they worked but like above, anything over 8okm/h couldn't really hear.

The 110db+ speakers work great & BT dongle has ancillary volume, call handling & controls. But above 140km/h (I assume) with cross winds it would be harder to hear some music that has softer recording volumes.

:postcop:I def reccomend this to others who wish use their phone for GPS nav and music whilst riding
I ran across the first link in my "starting to search." If/when I do this, I will definitely make sure to take pics throughout the process.

Get a bluetooth helmet. I couldn't take the earbuds too. the helmet, the speakers are inside the pading. You won't even feel it.
Well I got the IPod shuffle last night. I also got the Marshmallow JVC earphones that I linked. They are absolutely horrible earphones. Maybe just my ear shape but NOTHING I did would get them to stay in my ear. Never even got to try the helmet on with them. That bad. The sound SUCKED too. Nothing but super tinny crap. I wiggle my ear at all and they popped out. Not comfy either.

So, I ended up doing this for now and am actually really happy with it. I took the earphones that came with the IPod and since they do have the long stem, I can tuck them into my helmet padding very nicely. The wire goes behind the snap in the cheek padding so they cannot fall out even if they wanted to.

This puts them pretty much right exactly where my ear hole is and it sounds just as if they were IN my ear. Can turn it up LOUD. Sounds good too. I cannot even feel them with my helmet on. They do not budge and I cannot feel them at all putting on and taking it off either. So I am happy with this solution for now. Have not rode with them yet. But just by wearing the helmet and blasting some music, If I cannot hear that while riding, then I dont need to hear it at all. That would be way too loud for my ears if I needed it louder while riding. :thumbup:

Here they are tucked in nice and tight.



I used the sansa clip 4gb, less than 40bucks, and helmet speakers. The whole thing was less than $70. I like the sansa clip better than the ipod shuffle or nano, not only because it is cheaper, but because i dont have to install extra software to download, upload, or manage my music. With the sansa just drop, copy, or paste the songs to a you can store other files in there, just like a flash drive. So if you drop an audio file it will play, and if you have other files in there they will just be stored there for your work or school. Basically the sansa is a -cheap- flash drive that plays music (with radio and audio recording). The battery is great, it has been on for 8 to 10 hours (at work) with no problem, plus it charges really fast. ***Hey, did i mention that i am the North America distributor? ***...just kidding :D
I just really like the sansa clip, i hated the ipod "managing"/restrictive software. There are also 2gb and 8b models.
