Question for Microsoft Excel users


Sentient Being
Elite Member
What do you mean by stop at 40? The total of the sum?
J1: =if(sum(b1:g1)<40,sum(b1:g1),40)
K1: =if(sum(b1:g1)>40,sum(b1:g1)-40,0)

This will help you include the total up to 40 in J1 and any excess in K1. Hope that's what you're looking for.
On J1 use this:

On K1 use:

There may be more efficient ways of doing this, but it gets the job done :cool:
On J1 use this:

On K1 use:

There may be more efficient ways of doing this, but it gets the job done :cool:

Great minds think alike! Almost at least!
J1: =if(sum(b1:g1)<40,sum(b1:g1),40)
K1: =if(sum(b1:g1)>40,sum(b1:g1)-40,0)

This will help you include the total up to 40 in J1 and any excess in K1. Hope that's what you're looking for.

Great minds think alike ;) Hahaha
ahahah, you two freaks! :D Thats a little crazy.
Does our two hour time difference count as a parallel universe??? I don't want to know any more details. You already have a copy of my bike. Getting scared! :confused::confused::confused:
Does our two hour time difference count as a parallel universe??? I don't want to know any more details. You already have a copy of my bike. Getting scared! :confused::confused::confused:

Does our two hour time difference count as a parallel universe??? I don't want to know any more details. You already have a copy of my bike. Getting scared! :confused::confused::confused:

thats kinda creepy huh

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Much appreciated guys.

You guys are very smart. :thumbup:

I went with:

column K

column L

Works great.

Nice to see the variations you guys came up with.

EDIT: Gave the two of you some REP for the help. (ajskillz and Rookie)

