Public Safety Jobs?


New Member
As some may know my boss gave my work the big layoff. Technically I am still working for the company under the table for a commission but I really need to find something permanent.

It got me thinking, the construction market is SHOT, I am in structural engineer tech, I have an associates degree in Architectural Engineering and Design. I was going to take the FE test next year to get the first step to becoming a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE) but I am starting to get the feeling that being a PE is not as good as it seems epically when the economy takes a down turn. So this had got me thinking about a Career change. I am 24 and could not afford to go back to school, I could if I also had a part time job but I would only do that if I really had to..

But I have been giving alot of thought to public safety, as in police or fire fighter. I was reading anyone with a High School diploma can become a volunteer and work your way up to a paid position? Anyone have any input, I know there is some police officers on the forum. Maybe that just how its advertised so they get free labor hours then never advance you??

I understand the these are not the safest job but its a job that would keep my on my toes and help keep the rest of the decent people in the world safe.

Or if anyone has any advice for me that would be great. Making a career change and throwing my degree in teh trash is something I am ready and willing to do only because I now feel my current career is 1) not stable an 2) not rewarding 3) i dont learn anything..
Well, if you're thinking about policing as a possible career, make sure you look into it thoroughly. There is alot of training involved. You need to see what your state requires and what individual departments require. Some department over here wont hire you without previous police experience and I'm sure there are other departments across the country with the same requirement. You also have to consider police academy. In PA, it's the first step, and each academy is different. My academy was run like a marine boot camp by a marine. If that's not for you, you may have to look at other academy's that are more laid back. And you may have to start out part time in a ghetto town like I work in, work for 1-3 years, then try for a full time spot. Good luck to you and if you make it into policing, be safe.

Not sure if I can help, but sense we live in the same state this is what I found. I also was interested in the law career and looked the washington state patrol web site and they are hiring just not sure if any are around you. It sounds like a good career. My wife works for WSP in their dna lab but by the sounds of it getting a job might not be that easy either, and keeping it might be even harder due to the fact that even in our state police are getting laid off which I am really not thrilled with. But if you do go that route please update from time to time and let us know how it goes. Best of luck on the job search.

