Panic mode - Dogs!



I have taken two MSF courses (basic/advanced) and couple/three years practicing maneuvers. Continuing to build confidence in my riding skills. It never fails for me… soon as I start to feel confident – Wham! Mistake!! Using too much back brake…sliding rear end sideways… or braking too hard in a turn without straitening up handle bars… and dumping. Duh!:confused: I know you learn from mistakes – but on a motorcycle, it could be fatal. Point. Last night I took a little ride (not far) around some rural roads. Nice! So, I’m riding around, enjoying and also practicing my braking maneuvers - then Bang! Panic!!:eek: Huge dog out of nowhere… ahhh!:eek:… panting like a lizard on a hot rock and coming down on me... Teeth were a shining and he’s timing himself a hit - on me! I raise my legs up toward my handle bars (like I’m on my bicycle) and gassed it – which about tossed me off the FZ6R (all over road). :mikebike: All this time and effort and a “fricking” dog is taking me down… right
Well, make a long story short – been reading this book on being a “proficient rider”. And it talks in great detail about (we) creature of habits is what you do in panic mode. Like getting into the habit of using front brake – so when panic comes you automatically hit front brake first - where all your stopping power is… turning a panic stop to an aggressive stop. Point here “Dog”! Reading about dangerous encounters with dogs. It tells me about throwing them off their timing, by slowing down quickly and then speeding up. So, I’m going to make this right…. OK. So, I go around the block and try it again :) WhoHoo here we go (no panic now)…. Did just as I read – dog was racing at me like a raped ape and I hit front brakes – dog flew by me in front of bike then I gassed it! Worked - Later doggie! Making this a habit will prevent a panic mode attack. Right? So, tried it a third time :) Worked! So… I’m enjoying this now (grinning) - then owners came flying out of the house – I gassed it – bye bye. That worked to. Venting, sharing, and hoping this helps (me) and someone else too. lol

I have taken two MSF courses (basic/advanced) and couple/three years practicing maneuvers. Continuing to build confidence in my riding skills. It never fails for me… soon as I start to feel confident – Wham! Mistake!! Using too much back brake…sliding rear end sideways… or braking too hard in a turn without straitening up handle bars… and dumping. Duh!:confused: I know you learn from mistakes – but on a motorcycle, it could be fatal. Point. Last night I took a little ride (not far) around some rural roads. Nice! So, I’m riding around, enjoying and also practicing my braking maneuvers - then Bang! Panic!!:eek: Huge dog out of nowhere… ahhh!:eek:… panting like a lizard on a hot rock and coming down on me... Teeth were a shining and he’s timing himself a hit - on me! I raise my legs up toward my handle bars (like I’m on my bicycle) and gassed it – which about tossed me off the FZ6R (all over road). :mikebike: All this time and effort and a “fricking” dog is taking me down… right
Well, make a long story short – been reading this book on being a “proficient rider”. And it talks in great detail about (we) creature of habits is what you do in panic mode. Like getting into the habit of using front brake – so when panic comes you automatically hit front brake first - where all your stopping power is… turning a panic stop to an aggressive stop. Point here “Dog”! Reading about dangerous encounters with dogs. It tells me about throwing them off their timing, by slowing down quickly and then speeding up. So, I’m going to make this right…. OK. So, I go around the block and try it again :) WhoHoo here we go (no panic now)…. Did just as I read – dog was racing at me like a raped ape and I hit front brakes – dog flew by me in front of bike then I gassed it! Worked - Later doggie! Making this a habit will prevent a panic mode attack. Right? So, tried it a third time :) Worked! So… I’m enjoying this now (grinning) - then owners came flying out of the house – I gassed it – bye bye. That worked to. Venting, sharing, and hoping this helps (me) and someone else too. lol


wait a minute, your saying you went down the same street and a lose rabid, or at least a very aggressive dog tried to chase you down every time you went down that street? And the owners came out like you were doing something wrong? i would have ran that little ***** over or come back with a gun. Who the F lets their dog run free to terrorize motorists?
You can also rev your engine and scare it too
The slow and go approach is actually in our states motorcycle handbook. They tell you to slow down, go around the dog and then speed up.
At the MSF Course here in Nashville they mentioned exactly what you did. Dogs time their run, and their speed to match yours, a quick tap or 2 on the brakes, and they try to reorient, then speed up. I used this once earlier this year and was stunned it worked so well.
Ya I followed textbook protocol once and... worked perfectly. I was last of 4 bikes and I saw this dog giving me the evil eye and sure enough he came at me, I slowed down after he started his run and then I gunned it and it confused him and I safely passed.

Of course this technique does not work on a bicycle. Last week I was on my bicycle on a training ride and this big dog came down the hill at me with bad intentions and I slowed down and screamed at him: "BAD DOG, GO HOME!" and he hit his brakes and turned around and slinked back up the hill. Phew! worked perfectly. I was last of 4 bikes and I saw this dog giving me the evil eye and sure enough he came at me, I slowed down after he started his run and then I gunned it and it confused him and I safely passed.

Of course this technique does not work on a bicycle. Last week I was on my bicycle on a training ride and this big dog came down the hill at me with bad intentions and I slowed down and screamed at him: "BAD DOG, GO HOME!" and he hit his brakes and turned around and slinked back up the hill. Phew!

Where the hell are you guys with all these unleashed dogs lol
id call the cops on that house with the dog that did it three times. What if a kid rides by?
I'm with you, I love dogs and would never hurt mine or anyone else's dog except to protect myself, but where the fudge are the owners? I don't let my dogs out and then not watch them until I hear a neighbor or motorist yell. Ignorant pricks shouldn't have dogs or any pets if they can't take care of and or control them. :iconbeer:

i love animals too, its people that suck! :Slap:
In 5 years and 40000+ miles I've never had a dog go after me. Had a deer race me down a super tight and twisting road. But never a dog. Can't believe its so common it's in a state handbook lol

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Neither have i, but we live is so cal where they have leash laws i guess :)

The one time I had a dog come at me, I kicked my leg out and swerved around it at about 15 mph. He wasn't aggressive, just got a bit too close. My leg pushed him away enough to stay out from under the wheels.
