Odometer is off too!!!


New Member
I've just gotten a fz6r recently, and am well aware that the speedo is off. I've personally confirmed this with a portable gps with trip computer, and calculated the difference to be about 8.5%

The speedo being off I can live with, but I've just done another 2 trips today, and have found that odometer is off as well with about the same percentage!

I'm really surprised at this.. and kinda disappointed. Anyone else?
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How did you calculate the ODO being off?
I havent really checked it other than those green mile marker signs... those seemed pretty close on.
Yes, it would appear that it's very accurate if you count using those markers. since the difference is about 8%, you won't notice that it's off going marker to marker... but it does age the bike prematurally.

I love everything else about the bike, just disappointed with this.

I havent really checked it other than those green mile marker signs... those seemed pretty close on.
Yes, it would appear that it's very accurate if you count using those markers. since the difference is about 8%, you won't notice that it's off going marker to marker... but it does age the bike prematurally.

I love everything else about the bike, just disappointed with this.

Answer to your problem.

Speedohealer Calibrator V4.0 - Electrical & Speedohealer - Solo Moto Parts

I dont' know if that's the best price or not, that's just where I purchased mine from. After swapping sprockets it was a must. Dialed down within 1 mph of what i'm actually riding at now.
I'm personally not happy that my speedo and ODO are off on the morotcycle.
If I want to break the law, I should be able to break it with full knowledge how fast I am really going...that said...it it meaningless in the context of legal standing.

The real point here is that we are getting ripped off on our warranty by 8.5%.
We are also getting an 8.5% loss in resale value due to excess mileage that was never driven. A class action lawsuit or a threat of such may benefit us as a group. Here is a precident that covers this exact issue.
http://www.odosettlementinfo.com/Vaughn Final FAQs.pdf

I am going to draft a letter to Yamaha and demand to be compensated or I'll file the lawsuit. I can copy the Honda lawsuit and change the names and dates to match our issue. Perhaps if enough of us want to push this, we can file a class action lawsuit. I can file a personal lawsuit and change it to class action if needed.

Anyone here feel the same as me?
I don't like to get ripped off........
I personally don't think it's that huge of a deal. I understand if it's a big deal to you, you have the right to sue. But talk about frivolous law suits. In all honesty how much money do you think you'd really loose in resale value over the life of the bike? A few hundred dollars at most? How much money do you think it'll cost Yamaha to deal with your lawsuit over a few hundred dollars resale value. As far as the warranty issue goes, if you have a warranty failure within 8.5% of the end of your warranty, then I'd say go right a head and bring the issue up. But it's things like this that keep big companies having to pay big dollars to keep lawyers on retainer and increasing the cost of their products.

I agree with you in spirit but lets be realistic. We may disagree but then that is good too.
Yamaha is getting an 8.5% reduction in warranty time that equals how many millions of dollars on products. I doubt the FZ6R is the only non-conforming product they sell. The precedent has been already made and it is a clear cut case.
It is not about dollars and pennies, it is about making big corporations accountable for defects. I'd love it if Yamaha produced a properly working Speedo and ODO from the get go....but they didn't and knew they were selling a defective product. That is my point.
So lets all go and spend another $150.00 each to buy an aftermarket gizmo that will tell us the true speed and ODO....that is not right!
Yamaha needs to Man up and fix the product...simple...
I'll be writing a letter to Yamaha asking to get the product fixed and I will make sure the proper US Dept of Transportation people know about this.

I believe you used the term frivolous lawsuit and I ask you this. Is it frivolous to expect that the speedo and ODO read correctly on any car or motorcycle we purchase? If you think it is unreasonable to expect this then I guess your expectations are lower than mine and I respect that too.
I don't know. But it just seems like such a silly thing to get all worked up about.

Neither of us are worked up about it....We agree on that....
I guess I should have left the litigation part off. looks like I am toooo concerned. So I agree with your response.

Honda got their butt kicked for having the ODO off as far as it was and I'd like to have the FZ6R within something realistic like 3 to 4%.
8.5% is just too much IMHO.
The courts have agreed.

I personally can live with it but....
I don't like it either.

This also means our gas mileage estimates are off by the same percentage. I don't want to spend another $100 to make this read correctly and I think Yamaha should fix it.

Let us know what they do for you. I want mine fixed.

Every bike I've owned has had this problem.

There are a couple of solutions:
1) Speedo healer - You can use this plug in box to adjust your speedo/odometer reading. You can even adjust it down to read lower than actual speed. This allows you to claim back some of the extra miles the factory settings have put on your bike. I am going to do this on my ZX14 because I have a -1/+2 sprocket change that adds close to 20% to my speedo.
You can look at it here:
Speedo Healer V4.0 Complete Kit Fits All Motorcycles : Bayside Performance, Canadian Source for 98-2010 Motorcycle Parts, Sportbike Accessories And Apparel

2) Sprocket change - I put the +1 sprocket on the front and my speedo is now perfect.
I ordered the +1 front sprocket too because I doubt there will be a fix anytime soon.
i believe the warranty is 1 year, unlimited miles.
either way, i say it is what it is, and you/we all know about it. live with it or fix it.
so the +1 front sprocket buts everything "in synch" is it enough to change the take off or 0 - 60 or basically noticeable at all.....

Hmmmmm where did you guys get your +1?? thanks!!

i believe the warranty is 1 year, unlimited miles.
That's correct, at least in the US market. Even if the warranty were limited to 12,000 miles, the majority of riders won't approach that.


...Dude, just get a speedohealer and save the lawsuit for another day.
