Novice - Choosing his first helmet?

Hey guys, I've been in the market for a new helmet after the one I currently use was given to me by my dad (used to be mom's) so I didn't have to buy one.

While it's a good solid expensive helmet, the pads that go against your ear are way too tight. It feels like a vice grip is on my head. I don't get any pain from it by itself, but any earplug I put in or in-ear buds, definitely gets pushed on from the foam padding, thus making my inner ear sore after long rides.

Maybe the helmet is just too small? I'm not sure what the size is, but when I take it on or off, the custom earplugs I have or iPod in-ear buds get pulled out of my ear every time. I always have to fix them when I put my helmet on. I'm only trying to achieve a comfortable ride that is quiet and has room for earbuds for soft music while riding.

I'm not really concerned about price, I want something that is quiet, comfortable, and has PLENTY of space around the ear for headphones, earplugs, and earbuds. That is a must. I'd say my price range is up to about $350, unless I don't need to spend that much (I have no idea)?

I did search the form on helmets and wasn't able to come up with a solid answer. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks!! :thumbup:
I would say go to a motorcycle shop and try a bunch of different helmets on. Everyone has a different shaped head and I have found that different brands of helmets are shaped internally and fit different than others. I personally like the Scorpion EVO 500 and I think that will be my next helmet when I can find the color and size I want. I currently have an AFX FX16 that I purchased on sale for $90 at a local shop. It is a cheap helmet and fits okay but the wind noise is crazy
Be careful there, a helmet should fit snug. If it doesn't, it can't do it's job when it is needed. A loose fitting helmet may feel better but it wont stay put in a crash.
I agree. Going to the a shop is by far the best thing to do. I have a KBC that came with the bike and a SevenZeroSeven from Cycle Gear. Both are XLs. The KBC does fit a little more loose than the SevenZeroSeven. Honestly the best thing to do is try them on. I will say that both of mine are Snell and DOT approved, which is a plus for me.
Go try on a Shoei.....LOVE THEM. i have a cheaper helmet and a shoei and the feeling i get from my shoei is amazing and cuts back on so much wind!
My first and current helmet is the Scorpion Exo 900 (hybrid). I rock a Scala Rider G4 (rider-to-rider communication, FM radio, bluetooth headset, music over bluetooth, etc) with it and love it.
I have the Shoei TZR and just got the Shoei Quest. Both are very nice fitting and I am very pleased with them. Correct fit is the important part and stay away from cheap junk. There are lots of good brands out there. Ride safe!
As everyone else said, go to a few shops and try on different helmets. Helmets are like boots. I love Danner boots because they all seem to fit my foot perfectly; some brands seem to pinch at my arch or the ball of my foot. Same with helmets. Some fit too snugly in specific areas. You want a helmet that fits snugly, but also evenly. It should never slide around on your head. An option for music in your helmet is to get a headset that rigs into your helmet. I use the Chatterbox xBi2 in mine and I can port my iPhone's music over Bluetooth. It works with any AD2P compatible phone. I'm not sure on Scala's headsets, but they may also do music.

Scala's Rider G4 works with iPhone music no problem. But I have to say that this device takes some time to get used to. I ride with 1-2 other people usually and we always had difficulty pairing. Got it down to a science now :D.
Besides going to a dealer... Where else do you go for helmets?

Cycle Gear if you have one. Most local shops should have a decent selection of helmets.
Besides going to a dealer... Where else do you go for helmets?

Not sure if an International Motorcycle Show comes close to your area, I live in Illinois and go to the International show in Chicago every year. They have all the brands and usually at a discounted price. The show is so huge that you can try on alot of different helmets to see what you like and they would also have all the sizes available.
Besides going to a dealer... Where else do you go for helmets?

I know you said OTHER than a dealer, but that's a pretty good option actually. Try anything generic powersports, and believe it or not, some boat dealers might have sportbike full face helmets. Speaking from experience, there's nothing worse to a start of a day on a gorgeous spring/fall lake than running into a cloud of gnats at 70mph with nothing but sunglasses on.

A lot of the pro tournament fishermen rock them when running the lakes at full tilt. They can see, breathe, and are protected from incidents like above.

+1 to everyone who has said try a ton of them on. That's the only way to know for sure.
Hey guys, I've been in the market for a new helmet after the one I currently use was given to me by my dad (used to be mom's) so I didn't have to buy one.

While it's a good solid expensive helmet, the pads that go against your ear are way too tight. It feels like a vice grip is on my head. I don't get any pain from it by itself, but any earplug I put in or in-ear buds, definitely gets pushed on from the foam padding, thus making my inner ear sore after long rides.

Maybe the helmet is just too small? I'm not sure what the size is, but when I take it on or off, the custom earplugs I have or iPod in-ear buds get pulled out of my ear every time. I always have to fix them when I put my helmet on. I'm only trying to achieve a comfortable ride that is quiet and has room for earbuds for soft music while riding.

I'm not really concerned about price, I want something that is quiet, comfortable, and has PLENTY of space around the ear for headphones, earplugs, and earbuds. That is a must. I'd say my price range is up to about $350, unless I don't need to spend that much (I have no idea)?

I did search the form on helmets and wasn't able to come up with a solid answer. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks!! :thumbup:
Measure your head, look in the mirror and determine your head shape. MEASURE YOUR HEAD. All kinds of "sizing" suggestions on every web site that sells helmets.
Most people will simply tell you what helmet they like, but your head shape may not work with such helmets.
Arai has helmets for every head shape...expensive though (best reviews). Watch about a dozen or more youtube reviews from Revzilla...he will let you know all about head shape and its importance!
Shoei's are mostly for intermediate ovals with some leaning toward slightly more round.
Long Ovals...Arai Profile or the new Arai Signet Q.
More affordable and decent helmets...Scorpion. Once you have read way too much and watched way too many Youtube videos...head to many stores. No one store will have all the helmets you should try on. A BMW motorcycle dealer will have some good high end helmets to try on as well.
Good luck!
I would say go to a motorcycle shop and try a bunch of different helmets on. Everyone has a different shaped head and I have found that different brands of helmets are shaped internally and fit different than others. I personally like the Scorpion EVO 500 and I think that will be my next helmet when I can find the color and size I want. I currently have an AFX FX16 that I purchased on sale for $90 at a local shop. It is a cheap helmet and fits okay but the wind noise is crazy

I love my exo500.

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I bought my first one @ the dealer before I bought the bike for $100... Loved it until I bought an exo400 online for $50 discounted and now I love that one... Went by the sizing charts and measured my head (using a string then measuring the string) and it fits perfectly. I wouldn't suggest buying online though until you know how a helmet is supposed to fit. gl! =)
First educate urself on how a properly fitted helmet should fit. Otherwise u will try on a bunch of helmets and pick one u like but still end up with the wrong size.

Measure ur head in centimeters (cm) and follow the size chart. If u fall between sizes start with the smaller size first.

A properly fitting helmet has the following characteristics:

1. Snug, snug, and snug.
- A properly fitting helmet should be slightly difficult to get on & slightly difficult to take off.
- After u get it on all the way, push down on the dome fully & tightly fasten the chin strap.
- Your ears should fit all the way inside, your cheeks should be tightly pinched up against the cheek pads, and you should feel like u cannot speak easily or cannot chew gum without scraping the sides of your cheeks.

2. Spacing
- a properly fitting helmet should allow approximately 1 to 2 finger space between your chin and the helmet.
- u should barely be able to insert a pinky under ur forehead.
- u should not be able to pull or pry the helmet off by force.
- u should not be able to wiggle ur head around inside of it.
- it should feel glued to ur noggen.

3. Tightness
- u need to test fit a helmet by wearing it for 15 minutes and see if any "pressure points" or "hot spots" appear.
- Put it on and walk around the store about 15 minutes. If u feel like u r getting a headache in a specific spot then the helmet is too small. Go up a size.
- if your lips are touching the helmet inside it's too small
- if ur ears don't feel fully inside the dome it's too small.
- if everything fits properly but u can still wiggle ur head inside then it means the helmet is the wrong shape for ur head. Try a different brand then.
- Some helmets brands are oval & some more round. A properly fitting helmet will fit like a tight glove.

Good luck

Watch these videos if u still have questions

[ame=""]The Helmet Center on proper helmet fit - - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]How to fit a Motorcycle Helmet - YouTube[/ame]
