Newbie Here With A Question


New Member
Hey, my name is David and I live in Santa Barbara, CA. Perfect riding conditions! I have finally decided to take the Motorcycle Safety Course and I want to get a FZ6R, but do not know what color. I need some, blue, or yellow?????
the black one actually has an extra 50cc's but the guys that dont own a black have "small engine syndrome" and wont admit it...

but really, there was just a post exactly the same as yours.. its all personal preference man.. i liked wanted a black or silver bike, and since silver is not an offered color I went to a dealer and bought a black one...
yea i think i want a black one, but now my friend is selling an 08 gsxr white and it looks so sick. Don't know if I should get that or a new yamaha
Although I agree the gsxr in white is sexy as hell. I wouldnt buy it as my first bike based on looks alone. Make sure you ride it and are comfortable with it. The FZ6R is much more begginner friendly. Whichever you choose, good luck! You will love being on 2 wheels!
When I was ready to buy mine I was looking real hard at the blue one. Then on day I went to the dealer and stood back a bit so I could see all of the colors together. I then closed my eyes for a few seconds and then opened them. The first one that drew my attention was the color for me. The bad A$$ yellow one.

Good luck with your color choice.
yea i think i want a black one, but now my friend is selling an 08 gsxr white and it looks so sick. Don't know if I should get that or a new yamaha

When choosing a bike, know what you want and why. Take the class, learn what you can, apply what is relevant to you. That gsxr is a hot bike and not just in looks. That coolness won't last unless you can pilot that rocket, lots of posers "ride" one. If you go FZ6R, it'll be a great all-around, do all type bike and look xtra quick in yellow, (like mine)!;)
just picked it up about 30 minutes ago. (yellow) looks sick. not sure why i am typing this. i'm going to ride. PCE
Not to H8 on the Raven owners, but I selected Yamaha Blue because there's just soooooo many black bikes out there (with silver/gunmetal running 2nd). In the motorcycle parking section at my work, you can see 10 black bikes in a row, cruisers & sportbikes mixed together, and then my beautiful blue standing out at the end.

I think it's just so hard to see the fine points of any bike when it's steeped in pure black; the color just swallows up the detail unless you're staring at it for several seconds.

So my advice to you? Blue or Yellow. Don't be afraid of a little color!
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just picked it up about 30 minutes ago. (yellow) looks sick. Not sure why i am typing this. I'm going to ride. Pce
nice choice:steve:
Yellow has been scientifically proven to be faster. Something to do with wavelengths and the sun...:liar:
Raven: Faster than the speed of dark.
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Sheesh, everyone. "Team Yamaha Blue" - Ya think the factory is gonna put the secret extra horsepower in any other model?:D
Mine is white.. the guy at the dealership made a good point. Put a blue, black, yellow, red, white helmet out in a field.. walk 100 yards & turn around.. which one is most visible?


And that's why I bought the girly pearl white.

Um, and I am a girl!! lol
Hey, my name is David and I live in Santa Barbara, CA. Perfect riding conditions! I have finally decided to take the Motorcycle Safety Course and I want to get a FZ6R, but do not know what color. I need some, blue, or yellow?????

Personal preferance, but the blue is BEAUTIFUL in sunlight! Have MANY compliments on my bike.

The one color, offered only on the inaugural year of launching a great bike, also by the way a unique and expensive color, is....... Reddish Yellow Cocktail !
