Never letting anyone ride my bike EVER again


New Member
So i let my boss ride my bike today. He was just going to go 100 feet down and back. Unfortunately, he only made it 40 feet or so before lowsiding. Thankfully my Shoguns saved me again as the only damage to the bike were a few scuff marks on the kickstand. I spent the entire ride home apologizing to my baby and promising to never let anybody but me take her for a ride again.
The whole sequence of events had everything you would want in a YouTube "Motorcycle FAIL" video (I just didn't get my iPhone out quick enough). Started with a stall getting into first, then there was a bit of target fixation, and finally the notorious whiskey throttle. And yes, I would deserve the beating from her. Lesson has been learned.
Why did you let somebody ride it in the first place? I've never let anybody else ride my bike....never will. They want to ride they can get there own shit :)
They say your bike is like your wife.. Only you are supposed to ride her.... Anyone else riding her is a pure abuse! Thumb rule!! :)
Bikes are fragile and extremely expensive to repair in a crash.

No one ever rode my FZ6R and even tho my 955i is pre-owned, no one will ever ride her but me.

Even if they don't crash, they tend to burn up a clutch really fast........
Did he give you a raise afterwards??? :D
in a strange way, test riding bikes suddenly propels us back into the kindergarten sandbox/ playground mentality of, "no! u can't play with my Tonka trunk! get ur own!" <lol>

yah- it's a difficult balance to navigate. even just "allowing" ur friends to "sit" on your bike can wreak very real damage, as i've testified here before with the tank chips... well, at least if u don't know to have a tank pad on and also ask ur friends to please kindly zip up their jackets before mounting up.

after all's said and done, it's a personal decision i guess. regardless what u do, i'd say- just be polite and respectful about it- even when u say no...

personally, i've only allowed 3 friends to ride my bike so far. 1 friend was my buddy who rode the bike back home for me the day i bought it. so, that was easily a no brainer. the other 2 are friends from my riding group, who are both more mature & been riding for a really long time. even then, i almost had a heart attack when marc popped a wheelie on my baby tho. <lol> it stunned me for a moment, but then afterwards i couldn't stop grinning- cuz it was kinda cool. and, i couldn't stop thinking- hey i wanna learn how to do that too... (whew!) xP
I only let friends who I know that can ride bikes well, have the money to replace parts, or no.
I thought about letting my roommate take my bike out... his bike is in desperate need of new tires but he wanted to go for a ride. But our bikes are 2 very different machines (FZ6R for me, ninja500 for him).

and damnit jspansel, your sig always screws with me every time :D
I thought about letting my roommate take my bike out... his bike is in desperate need of new tires but he wanted to go for a ride. But our bikes are 2 very different machines (FZ6R for me, ninja500 for him).

and damnit jspansel, your sig always screws with me every time :D

That's what I transfered from. EX500 my first bike then I got the FZ6-R. It DOES take a bit to get used to. Not to mention his is carb, 6R is fuel injection (throttle response more) and the inline 4.
Yea the boss had been asking for a while. I figured how bad could it turn out to be? Now I know. All in all, I now get a couple of private brazilian jiu jitsu sessions with him (not too shabby at all).
Yea the boss had been asking for a while. I figured how bad could it turn out to be? Now I know. All in all, I now get a couple of private brazilian jiu jitsu sessions with him (not too shabby at all).

A colleague of mine bought his Ninja 650 before I bought my bike. Our boss wanted to sit on it n take a short ride in the parking lot and this guy politely refused him. A polite no goes a long way in keeping your bike in mint condition :)
Did we cover how he crashed? How did he scuff your kickstand?

He was sputtering towards the entrance of the parking lot when he became fixated on a sign that was in the grass patch on the side of the entrance. Instead of straightening out, he ran right into the sign and in a panic grabbed the throttle, which caused the back wheel to spin out to the right on the moist grass, thus causing the bike to crash on its left side. Frame sliders spared me any damage to the fairings and frame and only the kickstand hinge touched the ground. Got lucky.

Lol sorry for the damage, but that sounds like a proper "herp derp" moment.

Never going to let anyone ride my bike, but then i'd never ask to ride theirs either. I've let a mate sit on it once but the keys were "left on my desk" ;)

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