My reputation here preceeds me! New member from Cincinnati


New Member
Before ever knowing this forum existed, I bought cmgbruschi's bike, AND also this is me almost hitting two old people. Not a proud moment...

Anyway, I figured since my recent acquisition of an FZ6R I should stop by! I actually found this forum when I was looking for some info on my PCV, so a BIG thank you goes to Marthy and his mappings. Awesome job man. I hope I am welcome here! ;)

Oh and, mine's blue:


/my first post and I spelled "precedes" wrong in the title. Great!
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Welcome.... just a stupid question, did you ever play professional dogdeball? lol!

lol no.. I actually didn't know it existed outside the Vince Vaughn movie, which was pretty funny, but I think Ben Stiller's role was the best.

"Were you reading the dictionary?"
"Oh, you caught me, I like to break a mental sweat too."
You are famous! :thumbup: :welcome: Stop trying to run over old people! Sheesh... haha j/k
Where I live they put warning signs up if old people are around. You should suggest it it your city. :p
Welcome! You actually did those old folks a favor, because they had something exciting to talk about for weeks.:eek: Ride safe and nice choice on the Blue.:thumbup:
