MPH guage wrong, any fixes?


New Member
I had my g/f ride next to me on the highway last night, while I did some speed verification, and my speed showed I was doing 80mph when really I was only doing 73! I could understand 1 to 2 clicks off, but not 7mph off. Does this sound normal? Any fixes? Other than the speed issue I am getting some amazing gas-mileage of about 159 160 before the F-trip clicks on!

I put a GPS nav on mine to check this very thing. I rode a long time this way, and the bike read 2 mph faster than the GPS constistantly. Never any more or less, always 2 mph.
speedo healer... they are about 100 bucks. I purchased one when i did my sprocket change. It takes a couple test runs to get the calibration right, but once everything is correct it's pretty nice. I wouldn't necessarily recommend getting one unless it bugs you THAT much, or you are changing out your gearing.
Also, having your MPH guage showing higher will also give you a higher odometer reading when it comes time for re-sale.
As I've posted before, no, that's not necessarily the case. My speedo reads high like everyone else's, but my odometer is accurate.

Now, if you intall a "healer" to correct the speedo, the odometer will read low. I don't know how much leeway there is before this would be considered illegal tampering.
I had my g/f ride next to me on the highway last night, while I did some speed verification, and my speed showed I was doing 80mph when really I was only doing 73! I could understand 1 to 2 clicks off, but not 7mph off. Does this sound normal? Any fixes? Other than the speed issue I am getting some amazing gas-mileage of about 159 160 before the F-trip clicks on!

Speedohealer or a +1 sprocket on the front will fix it up.
1 tooth larger on the sproket will help this? AWESOME
this has been discussed elsewhere on the forum...sounds like all bikes are over reading on the speedo. I know for sure that my odometer also reding higher than a friends VFR800 for the same distance.

I think a +1 front gives you close to perfect from what I've been told. I'm planning on -2 or -3 rear to do the same and gear higher slightly. I've been worried about the extra wheelbase and chain length on the -3 rear. Prob just go -2.
Also, having your MPH guage showing higher will also give you a higher odometer reading when it comes time for re-sale.

That's why I try and ride backwards every now and then to get the mileage down! :D Got the idea off of Ferris Buellers Day Off.
THIS IS JUST FCKN STUPID I must say!! yes us STUPID MotorCICLE people just want to speed..thats why I buy go super fast all the time!!

SOmeone in NYS must have designed this and came up with the concept!!!

Just stupid....... When I found this out no WONDER when I was DOING THE SPEED limit people were very irritated with me and passing me...

IMO its almost dangerous to us to do this to the bikes!!

OK Done ranting !!
