Motorcycle fever

2 weeks! 2 more weeks and I get to haul my bike down to some southern weather. Bye-bye snow!
Has been decent, but weather has been wacky this year. Could go from April-October. Only problem is morning temp early and late in season. Some mornings I commuted it would be in 50's and 80 or better coming home. We've generally had mild weather with the exception of this year. I don't have any riding buddies either. No one really close. Gonna try to get together with a few that are close this season. Dart, Rabbitman, Nismos all are close as are some others. Would like to meet some of these guy in person after being on this site for over 2 years.

I would agree!:D
Im in WI and the last 2 days were 35, 40 degrees and a couple ppl were actually out riding...crazy when there's still salt all over and ice spots. Can't wait until it hits 60s
2 hours out last weekend.
Another 2 hours out this weekend.

Not going to win any distance competitions but having fun while I can!

Weather in southeast Texas is finally getting good.
I guess I should feel fortunate, with temps averaging out to 60+ degrees throughout the day. Coldest morning rides to work hit around 50+ degrees with low 70's around lunch time. Been taking the Harley to work w/a light sweater while the 6'er sits in the shop.

On a unrelated note: Did you guys know it costs 300 bones to replace a single fairing w/stickers?!?!?! That's what I was quoted for the right side of my bike. That's for the part only by the way. Frame sliders will definitely be the next part I purchase.
how exactly can you miss freezing your *** off in the winter and the sweltering in 100% humidity during the summer?? Well you do have them Pirates :)

How went the surgery?

Good, sore but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Winters here usually are terrible on Eastern side of PA. I grew up here and we actually have 4 seasons. I lived in Puerto Rico for 3 years and Florida for a year among other places and missed the seasons. Don't get me wrong I don't like to freeze and would love to ride year round.

Glad to hear it, someone start the timer!
Never been to PR, Florida is nice during the winter but my god its soo humid during the summer i just can't cope. My family is all from Providence and i have been back there several times and the humidity is just unbearable but i guess we are all accustomed to what we grew up in. We have seasons here, the leaves fall, it gets darker earlier, just no snow except up in the mountains where it belongs :)
