Mother Nature is a Dbag



After several days of 50+temps and i put about 250miles on my 2bikes we got absolutely dumped on. 6inches of snow and freezing temps...Some areas of MN got 12+ in one day.. all this while we are already dealing with Major and in some areas historic flooding



New Member
I hear ya... went from 70+ and sunny here in Indiana yesterday to 29 and flurries today. Supposed to be below 40 for the next week.


New Member
Florida is beautiful:thumbup:


New Member
Yeah, I put insurance back on the bike and rode it back from storage when the weather got nice. Put on over 100 miles...I am getting a little annoyed with mother nature toying around with me. :( when is spring going to get here?


Super Moderator
Same here in the PNW... Thought this was supposed to be Spring!?! Not much of a spring break. Brrr... But we are that much closer now :D


Active Member
I was about to pull mine out of storage and we got puked on yesterday. Looks like it'll be April before I see her again. She looks sad under that cover.


New Member
Yesterday morning it was about +12 C,sunny, so I went out for a ride and put about 30 miles on the 6R. About 2 PM the sun went behind some clouds,the temp droped and got cold. Today I woke up to about 4 inches of G.D. SNOW! GGGGGRRRRRR:rant:


New Member
I know up in clear water we got 6" the day after I bought my bike :( so depressing OMG, she's just sitting there waiting to be ridden


I'm just glad i got some miles on but at the same time if the itch to ride was not bad enough before its worse now. owell now with the Fire department calling me in for the agility tests so i can join the Department it should keep me distracted a bit


New Member
Yea I just got mine all set for the season over the weekend.. Why do we live in MN?


New Member
10 Freakin' inches of snow in Southern Ontario (Canada) last night... &)#&^)Q%#$@#% !!!!!!!

That's all I have to say... curses....


New Member
10 Freakin' inches of snow in Southern Ontario (Canada) last night... &)#&^)Q%#$@#% !!!!!!!

That's all I have to say... curses....

10 inches, omg....well we got 5-6 so I feel your pain man! ours was some heavy wet snow, hopefully yours was the light n fluffy goes away in a week snow haha!
