Might be time to give it up


New Member
Had the bike about 3 years. 2 years ago had back surgery end of May destroyed that season, last year got stolen 4th of July weekend recovered but wrecked and didn't have the money to get fixed so last season pretty much shot. This year got needed things fixed (except scraped up right fairing from thief's crash but went to re-register and have block for behind vehicle property taxes (didn't realize was behind). Just seems like something happens every year to keep me from riding, thinking of giving up this bike and getting something else in couple of years. Will be hard to get what I owe though with right side fairing looking like crap.
Sorry to hear about your string of bad luck.

So the only thing stopping you from riding right now is that vehicle back tax? Do you have the money?

From what I hear from others and from my experience, in the long run it's better to not keep buying and selling your bikes after a short ownership. You're going to pay more in fees, taxes, repairs, depreciation and new accessories, and these costs are probably a lot more than people realize or care to admit. Of course this varies from circumstance to circumstance.

Do you love the bike? Does the bike suit you? Do you see yourself riding it and enjoying it one year, two years, five years from now? If you answer yes to most/all these questions, I'd keep it.

I'd eventually fix the scraped fairing too, if it bugs you, and you're going to keep the bike for a few more years.
Do you own the bike out right?? If you do keep it. Take your time, life can be as harsh as my comments sometimes. But then again, if you get past the abrasive nature of life you will find a calm straight shot to what you want.

I can say when your down you can ONLY go up. so get your big boy pants on and grit your teeth. I am sure if you think, logically you can make it happen.
You can also stencil in the thief's name and date of theft on the scratched fairing as kind of a memorial.

Can you repair the scratched fairing yourself?? I don't know the first thing about bodywork, but recently fixed the spoiler on my car (which had clear coat damage and turned white). I wet-sanded it down, color coated and cleared it with a matching color in spray cans, then lightly color sanded it, buffed it out with polishing compound, a couple coats of wax and I was done. It turned out pretty good, cost me about $20 in supplies and only took about 3 hours (total time).

View attachment 26277

Color rite has our paint color in a spray can.

Depending on how deep the scratches are, you may have to use some plastic spot putty to fill them in, wet sand it, primer, then color coat, clear and compound it out.

Of course, you'll have to remove the decal but there are threads with that procedure defined.

PM me if you want more details. If you take your time, I do think you can fix your fairing, yourself and for under $50.
was found in nieghboring town in a back yard and they didn't arrest anyone. Must have been a multi-family and all said "I don't know how it got there" or "no habla englis" (it was Pawtucket). Will take couple months but will eventually get the money on the back taxes so maybe will get re-registered by sept.

Hey, if it runs and is otherwise safe (required to be legal parts), keep it, ride it,
and enjoy not having to worry about it getting dinged, dropped, or demolished. For at least the present you can think of her as your long, lost love, and spend some time bringing her back to life. You may find that you've got talent for repairing and painting, or learning how.
