Marthy 22" windscreen light tint

Got the screen on Friday and finally got it installed and ridden on Sunday. I'd post pics, but they'd look just like Taz's upload. Yes, the screen is big, but not so much you can't get used to it. I'm 5'7", and can see about 2-3 inches above the screen; certainly not enough to block the site of anything more than a foot or so from the bike. Installation was dead easy. I somehow managed to knock out the two bottom grommets the shield screws into, which required removing some of the dash plastics to recover them. After that though, everything just fit right into place, no need for squeezing or bending any of the parts.

Riding with this screen is great! I've got stock bars with up 1 / back 1 risers installed, so my riding position is near completely upright. I commute 100 miles round-trip every day, with 95% being 75 - 80 mph freeways. On windy very windy days, my helmet would get tossed around like a hacky-sack. I've only had the chance to put on a few freeway miles since installing the screen, but I love it already. There's a (very) large dead zone between the screen and my body. I can put my hand up in front of me and it doesn't move an inch - totally still. The vast majority of the air coming over the screen goes up and over my helmet, keeping the bobble-heading to a very bare minimum. I'm guessing the rounded curves at the top of the screen are what keep the wind off my shoulders as well.

I've not had a chance to do my full commute with the screen on yet (had to haul gear to and from work the past few days) but will update this post when I do. So far, so good though, I'm expecting a HUGE change over stock.

Way to go Marty, this thing is awesome! Great job getting the cuts and bends spot-on as well - even a mechanically challenged soul like myself can install it :thumbup:
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Got the screen on Friday and finally got it installed and ridden on Sunday. I'd post pics, but they'd look just like Taz's upload. Yes, the screen is big, but not so much you can't get used to it. I'm 5'7", and can see about 2-3 inches above the screen; certainly not enough to block the site of anything more than a foot or so from the bike. Installation was dead easy. I somehow managed to knock out the two bottom grommets the shield screws into, which required removing some of the dash plastics to recover them. After that though, everything just fit right into place, no need for squeezing or bending any of the parts.

Riding with this screen is great! I've got stock bars with up 1 / back 1 risers installed, so my riding position is near completely upright. I commute 100 miles round-trip every day, with 95% being 75 - 80 mph freeways. On windy very windy days, my helmet would get tossed around like a hacky-sack. I've only had the chance to put on a few freeway miles since installing the screen, but I love it already. There's a (very) large dead zone between the screen and my body. I can put my hand up in front of me and it doesn't move an inch - totally still. The vast majority of the air coming over the screen goes up and over my helmet, keeping the bobble-heading to a very bare minimum. I'm guessing the rounded curves at the top of the screen are what keep the wind off my shoulders as well.

I've not had a chance to do my full commute with the screen on yet (had to haul gear to and from work the past few days) but will update this post when I do. So far, so good though, I'm expecting a HUGE change over stock.

Way to go Marty, this thing is awesome! Great job getting the cuts and bends spot-on as well - even a mechanically challenged soul like myself can install it :thumbup:
Your review sounds great, in fact, I can't wait for mine to arrive. According to UPS, it should be here today (sucks for us West Coasters). Nonetheless, am curious to hear how you find it on your commute. I too commute around 110 miles roundtrip of which at least 100 is on the freeway at also around 75 - 80mph. Hence my excitement when I read what Marthy had designed and immediately ordered the screen.
Once I receive it and install it and naturally use it to commute to work, I will post a review. From what you say and the pictures I have seen, it sure seems to be the answer.
Well it FINALLY arrived! Took it out the box and it looks awesome.Naturally i proceeded to take off the factory screen and install the new one but had a few hiccups along the way. The first were the screws I bought were too long and the head was not wide enough so it would slip through the screen. Secondly, the screen needs to be installed one side and physicall squeezed to get the other side to line up lathough this is no biggie, The biggest issue I had was that when i removed the factory screen, I notice that a piece of the fairing is not clipped in and in order to fix it, i would have to remove a portion of the fairing and re-install. Didnt have the time or the correct screws for the new shield so will tackle it tomorrow.
Must admit, holding it place looks great, the tint is awesome, and i cant wait to get it installed.
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So I installed it this afternoon and managed to take it for a short ride. After searching for different screws I have to tell you that the ones that work the best are the original black ones that are stock. They appear to have more than enough length to bite fully so after trying different options, i resorted back to these. :)

I have to agree with "Short Guy" that there is a definite dead zone between one's body and the screen. The few miles I managed to do this evening (haven't had a chance to take it on the freeway but will tomorrow), I found the wind noise around my helmet to be real loud. :confused: I am 5'11" and have standard bars on. I will give you better feedback tomorrow. On a side note, the dark tint takes getting used too as one cant see through the screen.
As far as fit and appearance is concerned, I have no complaints and think Marthy did an awesome job. :wav: I have posted a few pictures so you can see what it looks like.


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Finally got the chance to do the full commute, and I like it even more now :) One thing I did notice is that with no wind hitting my chest, I tend to put a lot more pressure on my wrists. Scooting forward in the saddle helps quite a bit, but I've got to watch my riding position to make sure I'm keeping my weight off the bars when turning. Overall, the airflow is great, much less punishing on long trips. I've switched over to hot weather riding gear, so I can't compare noise levels as my 3/4 helmet is much louder than my full face. I'll try to do a direct comparison next week when it's no longer 95 degrees.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for anything larger than the double-bubble. Definitely worth considering if you're putting together a light-touring rig. Thanks for pulling this together Marty!
Marthy, maybe you could sit on a phonebook while you ride. :D
Well, I just completed a 60 mile commute of which 50 miles or so, was on the freeway. All I can say is WOW :welcome: what a difference Marthy's screen makes! Without any shadow of a doubt, if anyone of you out there has an intention of using your ride for commuting or touring, then THIS IS CERTAINLY THE WAY TO GO :thumbup: Marthy, I think you have hit a homerun here!

Everyone has there own reason for chosing the FZ6R and therefore this screen may not be for everybody. If your intentions are to carve canyons, short fun riding, stick with the stock screen. Anything beyond that, beg Marthy to make some more 22" screens :)

My 2p worth: if you are going to make more screens, go with a lighter tint as this will eliminate some guage and dashboard light reflection on the screen. Use the screen for what it is intended for, I can see a distinct change in handling carving corners due to the size of the screen (acting like a sail and catching wind) but this will have no affect on regular cornering. There is a noticeable difference in helmet noise, but its well worth the reward.

In my case, should I decide to go canyon riding, I will simply switch screens. After all, its only 6 screws and maybe 10 minutes.

Great job, Marthy! :wav:
Hard to rate the wind noise! I say this as i may have been oblivious to the noise with the stock screen since the wind was hitting my entire body causing a lot of turbulance and head bobble, and now that there is no wind, all i hear is the wind noise at the helmet. One of these days when I put the stock screen back, i will try give you a comparison although I have to admit, I dont see me changing out the screens too often as I REALLY LIKE THIS NEW ONE!

On a side note, there was a crack on the bottom left hole on the right hand side of the screen (drivers left). The crack looks like it occured when the hole was drilled. I honestly dont see it doing any damage as there doesnt seem to be any pressure on it and you cant see the crack unless the winscreen i soff. Just thought I would mention it out of curiosity.
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Lol....I decided to go test that windscreen yesterday and went on a ride through Palomar Mountain. Got to tell you, was my first time through that mountain and quite an experience. One thing i have always learnt is "drive within your comfort zone" :)

So after a 100 mile or so round trip through the mountains and back I can tell
you that this 22" windscreen ROCKS!!!!!:thumbup: The difference is unbelieveable and it still handled fine in the corners (but then again I certainly wasnt doing the speeds some other were)
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dart 1963....did you ever try the stock screws and curious as to your opinion of the windscreen? I am sure those following this thread are tired of hearing this but I have to tell you I commute 110 miles round trip to work and have now had this windscreen for about 2 weeks and have to say, IT IS A MUST!
So for any of you who commute or wish to make a touring bike, my opinion is that this is the first mod you should make. The $145 or so was well worth the investment and has changed my ride considerably.
