Indiana Forum member's group ride/meet n greet Saturday May 18th

Is anyone planning on bringing their SO's?

I asked my SO, she wasn't to thrilled with the idea of me and or the both of us driving down there on the bike so I think unfortunately I am not going :(
Would love to come cruise if it wasn't 4.5 hours away!
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I will be there weather permitting. Also Turkey Run area is my home area. you may look into taking 235 through shades as this is a nice view and more corners as well in relation to 47 that passes by Turkey Run. It is the Same general area with less than a me separating the two in certain areas.

At this time I am unsure if I will have a passenger or not.
Now this type of thing is right up my ally. To the Op, Am I able to get in on this? Looks like you have done a lot of work to put it all together & I know I am late to the party but if you would let me join you guys I have some extra mirror blocks and left over fender tape from my last track visit that I could contribute. If you are still doing the track thing and are filled up already I could pay to join the day. Just let know what you need & I would do it. I am off Saturdays and think it would be cool to join other riders with the same type of bike.

Hang tight everyone for more information.
