Im back baby!!!! (UPDATE: First mod)

I debated between the FZ8 and the FZ6R for a while. I love my FZ6R but still wonder what the FZ8 would have been like. Nice bike!
HOLY CRAP!!! I did not expect this, I was thinking the same as Dart.

But I do say CONGRATULATIONS on the ride and back to 2 wheels after just what? 1 month?! :) So you are bet to a EXTEMELY close 6R, just naked and some more power!

Glad to hear that the payment will be less for you. Hope everything stays good for you in the finance ring. If anything just make the min. payment and wait to make the extra monthly payments to expedite until everything is cool with finances and wife still in school/working. (nursing school right?)

Anyways. Congrats again and hope you can put some vids up here. Will have to sub to you yet.. There are a few people on here with accounts I actually want to sub to.

2 weeks ;) (of hell!) Could not believe how much it sucked without a bike. I can't do it....

Yes she is working as a pharmacy tech while doing HIT (health info tech) school.

I am over 6 months ahead on my car payment so if shit happens I do not have to make that payment for 6 months. Good little buffer there. If I waited, I still would have ended up with the same bike but most likely not have got this good of a deal. :thumbup: As long as the bike is not totally miss-represented when I go look at it, I will bring her home tomorrow.
Congrats! The nice thing is with the interest rate so low and buying it used, there's not much danger of being upside down on that loan, so if things do get tight again, you should be able to unload it without any worries.


Yeah, KBB is over $7k on it. I did a CL search for a used FZ8 and most are all $6.5-$8k for used! Definitely got a sweet deal and I am stoked.
I'm freaking happy for you Bro! That is a ***&^*&*&)*&!!! good deal! I knew you won't last... live only once Bro. Enjoy your ride.

I need a new ride too.... :(

Yup. Life is short... live it while ya can! :D:thumbup: Thanks man.
I thought I would be able to hold off a while since I did not have really anyone to ride with (no more race trackin it so those guys are probably out). Dad and Gpa but that is not too often. Now I got some local guys that just joined the forum and that kinda pushed me over haha. And the kick ass deal on it!
:thumbup: Pick her up tomorrow morning.

This means we'll be able to ride sometime soon!!
I don't think I have anything planned! Sounds good to me!!!:thumbup:

I think I already told the wife I will be riding haha so I may just be able to swing it. Been dying to do fossil this year. Good 6-8 hour ride depending on pace, with a lunch stop in the middle. I'll bring my GoPro! ;) I'll keep in touch this week and we can plan somethin up.
JSP! Congrats my Brother from another mother! I really like the look of the
FZ8. Post up some vid's soon! :thumbup:
Once I get her and clean her up I'll take some glamor shots and get to work on one. Maybe CC will hook me up again :thumbup:

Anything for you bud
Happy happy for you!

There's a lot of cr@p news out there in the I'm glad to read about someone having something go well for them....ride on man!

Cool bike man! I'm sure you'll love it!
sooo jealous man that bike looks awesome!! i saw one in the yamaha dealer when i was looking around and they're so mean looking. got any mods in mind?

Congrats!!! Nice looking ride Jay. Should be able to spot you around town. Don't think I've seen anyone on one here.
