I think I found a replacement


New Member
It's a 1999 Triumph Daytona 955i
Needs work but I think he will let it go real cheap.
I'll go look tomorrow.
They are basically a Speed Triple with full fairing and clip ons.

This is what it will look like after I paint the side and front fairings.
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Thuper Moderator
Premium Member


New Member
I bought it....like I needed a project.....

Bought new battery, oil, filter, coolant. I'm going to run it streetfighter style until I get the plastics fixed and painted.

Pics coming......


New Member
Good for you man! Im really happy for you! Please tell me your going to stay on ur forums :)


New Member
Awesome John! How does it run?

I'm not leaving...I'm a roach that got stepped on and it takes a lot more to kill me. I loved my FZ6R and I'm staying. Triumph dudes are kinda different..IYKWIM.....LOL

Gonna start it in about 2 hours after the new battery is charged.


New Member
Pics.......The starter isn't turning but maybe these British bikes need some weird technique. No manual yet to troubleshoot. Probably a short in the clutch sensor. Too late today to go into that. British electronics....why?
On Youtube there are a ton of the Daytona 955 and Triple Speeds popping wheelies. Apparently these are super torky and are easy to wheelie. Ordering frame sliders.....




New Member
Congratulations on your new bike John :)


Super Moderator
Very Nice!!!


New Member
Saw your post on SCAR site... Congrats again nonetheless!

You going to bike night tomorrow?


Sentient Being
Elite Member


New Member
Sweet! It should be a fun project. Just don't rush the rehab and let everything heal or you'll be sorry - (experience speaking :) )


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


New Member
Saw your post on SCAR site... Congrats again nonetheless!

You going to bike night tomorrow?

I spend the day in bed. As a side effect of the medication I'm on I get migrane headaches, fever/chills and my whole body aches from the high doses of interferon. Also this bike isn't yet running as I'm sorting out sensor issues and it has clipons.....that means lots of weight on the shoulders and there is no way I can do that yet. The Yamaha was easy to drive in a nice sit up position. This beast has factory rear sets and low clipons so it may as well be a R6. Much harder for me to ride with my injuries.

After the bike is running, I'll be doing bike nights again.


Sentient Being
Elite Member


New Member
Well don't be in any kind of hurry if your body hasn't convalesced to a manageable level. Take your time and heal properly. Your young and heal alot faster than me. Just be patient.
Its taken me 7 months to get my shoulder to a tolorable level of pain (no doctors, no meds). I'm workin it though.

LOL.....You must be ancient then....I'm 57.....


Sentient Being
Elite Member


New Member
My mistake, lol.
I heal faster than you I would wager. I am a mere 43 but no insurance so no treatment. Maybe we're about even in that case.
I've got to do everything the hard way. When will I ever learn? :disapprove:
In any case, I hope you have a speedy recovery. :thumbup:

Thanks....Getting old sucks but I race in M1GP and ride bikes still, race inline skates and road bikes. Just as long as the injuries are to a minimum I am fine.
Insurance paid for the hospital but there is nothing medically to do for the busted ribs. I am doing home rehab on the shoulder because I don't have the time and energy to go out. Treatment is over rated.
