I love you guys


New Member
yeah I know. They all seem to that that they are better then everyone because they have more posts then someone.


New Member
Wow... Some people just love to argue. Sorry about your reception there.

It's funny, I've read in MANY industry reviews of this bike that our motor is indeed a detuned R6 motor. But I think the dorks in that sport bike forum are way more concerned with belittling a less expensive sport bike like ours. Not that that surprises me.

I guess the FZ6R is destined to be a cult classic, with all the positive and negative that that implies.


New Member
I guess they should sue Yamaha then, for advertising that the motor is based off of an R6 motor, heavily detuned. Why, Yamaha must have even tried to mislead people with the same displacement!

All I'm saying is... Alabama AND sportbike forum...


New Member
Sometimes I wish I didnt live in Alabama with all the moron rednecks


Looks like a case of HP > IQ.


Super Moderator
Elite Member


New Member


New Member
Maybe thats a sign you should keep the bike and stay with us cool people here. I thought about other bikes, but I just could not leave my family and friends on here. Thats is why I'm loyal here. :)


Staff member
What a bunch of "tooly" d0uche bags! :Flip: I say screw 'em!

You should stick with us. :D

Insure Gal

New Member
I feel your pain bud, I had a not so nice encounter on a local forum here as well which escolated in to that person (which I also knew personaly out side of the forum BTW) turning into a bit of a cyber bully.
I choose to back out of that forum as well.

Have not had any issues on this forum, it's just great! Even hubby likes it (he's still lurking has not signed up yet) and he HATES forums.

YAY FZ6R community - we are a breed all our own in class as well as in bike! :wav:

and best of luck for quick sale on your bike.
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New Member
I sent an email to the moderator of that forum and asked him to delete the post and that he could stick it up his ass!!


New Member
I sent an email to the moderator of that forum and asked him to delete the post and that he could stick it up his ass!!

WarEagle07, just relax. Everything that you said there was right and polite. You are correct about R6 engine since I've also read this in different yamaha specs. You are double-polite because you tried to help them to figure out quickly what king of bike is FZ6R - I see you clarified "if you don't know what king of bike is this - bla,bla,bla".

Never argue with idiots because they will make the one from you. (C) Ukrainian saying :D

And one more thing - I believe our engine is more reliable than R6 since FZ6R is detuned R6. So I think you should post thread there again and say - "hey, sport-kids, you were right, it's not R6 engine, it's just more reliable engine than R6. New price is 10k instead of 5k " :D:D:D

P.S. No offense to Alabama Sport Bike Forum, I'm just kidding a little.
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New Member
Obviously all on here wants whats best for you, but at least think about keeping the bike and staying with us. Maybe find a way to pay for school p/t job/loans etc. You will do well in school regardless. Don't let a few jerks ruin your enthusiam. There are some cool people in the world they just happen to be on here:D


Staff member
Obviously all on here wants whats best for you, but at least think about keeping the bike and staying with us. Maybe find a way to pay for school p/t job/loans etc. You will do well in school regardless. Don't let a few jerks ruin your enthusiam. There are some cool people in the world they just happen to be on here. :D

Oh, it's not just chance that the cool people are on here. It's DESTINY! :D


New Member
i didn't get to see the post before it was deleted, but i'm sure those guys were a bunch of jerks... i've seen it all too many times on the rx-8 forum as well. some ppl just get off by putting other ppl down, because it makes them feel superior. i just don't get it.

hope u decide to keep the bike and stay with us over here... :)
