Howdy fellas. New bike owner, new forum goer


New Member
Just figured I'd drop in and say hi. I'm one of those who's wanted a bike since I was a little kid, and finally the dream came true. Was negotiating with the local dealer here over a 2008 FZ1, a 2011 FZ8, and a 2004 FZ1, and then the day I decided that they were a little out of my price range (the interest rates on the used bikes were ridiculous, and the FZ8 was going to be about $1500 out of my budget) they got in a brand new, in the crate reddish copper/raven FZ6R and gave me a deal I just couldn't pass up. So far, I'm extremely pleased.

Been lookin through the forums for the past few days, and it seems like a pretty good community over here, so I figured I'd finally say hi.
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:welcome: from Villa Rica, GA.

Your right of coarse...the folks here are as good as your going to find anywhere. Hell they've tolerated me so they can't be that bad.

There is a ton of info on this site reguarding mods, gear, riding techniques...etc.

Word of advise..."abuse" the "search" function or FZRblack will :spank: you.

Glad to have you aboard. Enjoy.

sounds kinky! :eek::eek:

welcome to the fz6r boards!
Welcome and congrats on the new bike, especially a first bike! I remember getting my first street bike many years ago. Ahhhh, good times.

This is a safe space, feel free to share your feelings with the group.

Welllll i would say Hi and welcome and say awesome that we have the same bike, but since you were adressing the fellas I'll just keep my mouth shut. ;)

Welcome from Northern VA, enjoy the bike
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :cheer:
Welcome aboard Osoreru :thumbup:
Congrats and Welcome.
Welcome aboard ....from Surf City, NC
PLEASE........ don't ask what kind of soap to wash the seat, bike, mirrors, or tire wipes. It will rain, let god wash it. LMAO!!! Other than that go forth and pee on tires.

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