how to change gas cap, flush tank.


New Member
:mad: well my 09 fz6r was stolen and recovered, but the theives smashed my ignition barrel and drilled tthrough the key hole in the gas tank. and im pretty sure all kinds of metal shavings got in the tank , i cant figure out how to got the cap completely off, just need a lil advice if i need to drain the tank and take it off from the inside or something? sorry that i sound simple.


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Is the cap latched onto the tank? If so, you'll have to stuff something down the lock cylinder to turn the "key" to take it off. It looks like the hinge is already broken; that's the only thing really holding it on.

To flush the tank you'll have to remove it from the bike, and the pump from it.
yeah i think i'm gonna have to drill it bigger after emptying the tank to be able to turn it.. im so worried they were riding it around with shavings in the gas tank .... other than that i think it will be easily fixed. thanks guys.

You need the lid open to access the 3 screws that secure it to the tank.

If you have the original keys with dog tag code, a lock smith can key your used parts (swap tumblers) so they all match.

Best bet for cleaning is pulling the pump out which is usually a PITA as you need to separate the fuel sender from pump housing while its partially out of the tank. Its just a simple press of a plastic one way clip/latch and it slides off. Then unplug sender, pull pump, pull sender and clean the tank.

Pump latches together. Gently pop it apart to gain accew to the sock (pickup screen). Backflush with solvent.
When done, the fully assembled pump will go back in the tank.

Good luck!
